February 14, 2013 by Gary Price
From Pew Internet: A late 2012 survey by the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project shows that young adults are more likely than others to use major social media. At the same time, other groups are interested in different sites and services. Internet users under 50 are particularly likely to use a social […]
January 25, 2013 by Gary Price
From NextMarket : In a survey conducted of over 1200 US e-reading consumers in late 2012, NextMarket Insights discovered 64% of those who use an Amazon e-reader (non-tablet) as their primary e-reading device use e-book store rankings and reviews as a way to discover new e-books, 17% more than those who use iPads. Another interesting […]
January 4, 2013 by Gary Price
Update Digital Preservation expert and Founder of LOCKSS, Dr. David Rosenthal offer some analysis of the amount of data the archive contains. Hat Tip: @lorcand — The Library of Congress is out with a blog post and white paper (embedded below) that provides info about the complete archive of tweets that Twitter donated to The […]
September 8, 2011 by Gary Price
This blog post from Twitter says that of those 100 million active users 40%* simply “log-in and listen.” In other words, just because your posts are being retweeted doesn’t mean they are not being read. This is similar to talk radio where a very small percentage of listeners ever call in and chat on the […]
September 7, 2011 by Gary Price
Title: Social Metadata for Libraries, Archives, and Museums Part 1: Site Reviews Authors: Karen Smith-Yoshimura, OCLC Research and Cyndi Shein, Getty Research Institute Metadata helps users locate resources that meet their specific needs. But metadata also helps us to understand the data we find and helps us to evaluate what we should spend our time […]
August 9, 2011 by Gary Price
From mocoNews: As it has rolled out a series of improvements to its messaging features, Facebook has been trying to encourage its users to think of its network as a better alternative to e-mail and instant messaging applications. It took that strategy a step further Tuesday with the release of a new mobile messaging application […]