December 5, 2012 by Gary Price
In today’s special infoDOCKET edition of LJXpress, we are collecting a few examples of some of the high-quality open-web resources we've shared on infoDOCKET during the past year. They are also examples of the types of open-web resources libraries should be increasingly collecting and promoting. Why? It's time to give open-web collection development the attention it deserves. In most respects this is nothing new. It's simply taking what we've always done—as when we build collections of print and electronic tools—and adapting these concepts for the open web. What’s included below is only a tiny portion of what we've selected to share on infoDOCKET and an even tinier portion of what's available on the open web. We hope you join us on infoDOCKET or on Twitter via @infoDOCKET each day as we share news and new resources and tools for you to know about, learn, and share. Thanks for reading – Gary Price, Editor, LJ’s infoDOCKET
October 10, 2012 by Gary Price
The Honorable Harold Baer, Jr., yesterday held that the HathiTrust’s mass digitization is fair use, in spite of the challenges raised in a lawsuit by the Author’s Guild and others, both associations and individual authors. Crucial to his reading of the case is Baer’s rejection of the plaintiff’s theory that section 108 of the copyright law prevents libraries claiming fair use as a defense. Baer said in his opinion, “I cannot imagine a definition of fair use that would not encompass the transformative uses made by Defendants’ MDP, and would require that I terminate this invaluable contribution to the progress of science and cultivation of the arts that at the same time effectuates the ideals espoused by the ADA.”
August 30, 2012 by Gary Price
If you’re a Facebook user, even a casual one, it’s very likely that you’ll also quickly become a Wolfram|Alpha user. Those of you who teach about social media here’s something else that will grab the attention of students. The following new service is free. Wow! From an Extended Wolfram|Alpha Blog Post by Steven Wolfram: Today […]
August 30, 2012 by Gary Price
Happy 7th birthday to Tim Spalding, Abby Blachy, and the rest of the LibraryThing team. Tim reflects on his past seven years in this blog post. The post includes these facts and stats: We’re stable, profitable and growing, with over 1.5 million members using and the other language sites, and over 400 library systems […]
August 30, 2012 by Gary Price
From Jeremy Greenfield at Digital Book World: While tablet growth surges and annual e-reader shipments decrease, there will be a place for the latter device in the foreseeable future, according to a new report. “There still remains an audience for a dedicated device that replicates the print reading experience,” said Jeff Orr, senior practice director […]
August 30, 2012 by Gary Price
Earlier today I received an email note from my friend Jill O’Neill at NFAIS with some very sad news that Lee Dirks, one of the people helping to make Microsoft Academic Search an excellent resource and also a friend was killed along with his with Judy and their driver in a car accident in Peru. […]
August 29, 2012 by Gary Price
From the Sacramento Bee: The U.S. Justice Department announced today that it and the National Federation of the Blind have reached a settlement with the Sacramento Public Library Authority to supply e-book readers for the blind. The settlement resolves allegations that the library violated the Americans with Disabilities Act by using “inaccessible” Barnes & Noble […]
August 28, 2012 by Gary Price
It appears that Kindle owners (who also subscribe to Amazon Prime) take advantage of the Kindle Owners’ Lending Library (KOLL). What does this mean (now and in the future) for library ebook programs as even more titles are added to the KOLL especially for bestsellers and other popular material? We wouldn’t be at all surprised […]
August 22, 2012 by Gary Price
New from Simba Information: Simba Information has published an addendum to its recently released Trade E-Book Publishing 2012 report. In addition to showing an updated list of e-book hardware trends, the data indicates that about 24.5% of U.S. adults consider themselves to be e-book users, up from about 17.2% the year before; the sudden rise […]
August 22, 2012 by Gary Price
Here’s a new app that’s useful, cool, and utilizes audio recognition technology. Today, you can say hello to the SuperPAC App for iOS (free). It was developed by Glassy Media, a company that was “hatched” at the MIT Media Lab. How Does It Work Simply launch the SuperPAC app and then simply hold your iPhone/iPad/iPod […]