July 22, 2015 by Gary Price
1. Digital Humanities: NC State University Receives $324,000 Grant From NEH to Fund Next Phase of DH Project (via NC State News) 2. UNLV (U. of Nevada, Las Vegas) University Library Joins HathiTrust 3. ProQuest Names Clay McDaniel as Vice President Global Marketing
July 21, 2015 by Gary Price
1. HarperCollins Publishers Sells More Than 1.1 Million Copies of Go Set a Watchman in Print, e-Book and Audio Format 2. Emory’s Literary Archives Inspire Next Generation of Poets (via Emory News Center) 3. German Consortium Baden-Wuerttemberg Signs Agreement with Scientific Publisher Elsevier 4. Open to Employed Librarians and Para-Professionals in US and Canada: Apply […]
July 16, 2015 by Gary Price
From the University of Maryland: A $1.25 million grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation will fund research, education and training at the intersections of digital humanities and African American studies at the University of Maryland. The grant will help to prepare a diverse community of scholars and students whose work will both broaden the […]
April 17, 2012 by Gary Price
From ACRL Insider: The Digital Humanities Discussion Group provides a venue for ACRL members to meet and share ideas related to Digital Humanities and the role of librarians in this emerging discipline. The International Perspectives on Academic and Research Libraries Discussion Group serves to promote awareness and discussion of the international, transnational, and global dimensions […]
December 6, 2011 by Gary Price
The complete SPEC kit is Fee-Based (Order Form). From a SPEC Kit #326 Summary: The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) has published Digital Humanities, SPEC Kit 326, which provides a snapshot of research library experiences with digital scholarship centers or services that support the humanities (e.g., history, art, music, film, literature, philosophy, religion, etc.) and […]
December 1, 2011 by Gary Price
From The Badger Herald: The era of the card catalog is coming to a close at the University of Wisconsin. The 6,700 drawers used for decades to house Memorial Library’s public card catalog will be removed in the coming months in order to allow space for additional projects, a UW statement announced Tuesday. The space […]
November 2, 2011 by Gary Price
A New Policy Brief from the European Science Foundation. From a Summary: Europe’s leading scientists have pledged to embrace and expand the role of technology in the Humanities. In a Science Policy Briefing released today by the European Science Foundation (ESF), they argue that without Research Infrastructures (RIs) such as archives, libraries, academies, museums and […]
October 19, 2011 by Gary Price
From the Cornell Chronicle: Cornell University Library and the College of Arts and Sciences have awarded six new grants to create new digital content of enduring value. Treasures ranging from Bronx-born hip-hop posters to ancient Greek and Roman coins will hit the Web in the near future as part of the Grants Program for Digital […]
October 11, 2011 by Gary Price
From the Daily Tar Heel: UNC’s Digital Innovation Lab, a part of UNC’s $125 million effort to spur innovation, launched Monday, aimed at sparking collaboration in the digital humanities. The virtual lab features projects and resources that can be easily used and accessed by large audiences. It will encourage the creation of public projects that […]