September 7, 2011 by Gary Price
Direct to FindLaw New Zealand From a Thomson Reuters Online Insider Post FindLaw NZ is our latest online addition offering legal advice to the growing search-savy public alongside a free searchable database of almost 8000 lawyers and 1500 law firms. Although still in its infancy, our goal is that in time it will grow to become New Zealand’s primary […]
June 7, 2011 by Gary Price
One product that many medical librarians and consumers use from Thomson Reuters Healthcare is Micromedex. and are consumer health sites that use Micromedex content. From a Thomson Reuters Announcement: Thomson Reuters today [Monday, June 6, 2011] announced its intention to divest its Healthcare business, which has been part of the company’s Healthcare & […]
March 14, 2011 by Gary Price
From an Announcement: Thomson Reuters announced today the results of its annual roundup of the “hottest” researchers and research papers. In its March/April issue of Science Watch, an open Web resource for science metrics and analysis, Thomson Reuters identified the top 13 authors who fielded the highest numbers of Hot Papers cited in 2010. [Clip] […]