April 18, 2012 by Gary Price
From the CrossTech Blog: CrossRef Labs is happy to announce the first public release of “pdf-extract” an open source set of tools and libraries for extracting citation references (and, eventually, other semantic metadata) from PDFs. We first demonstrated this tool to CrossRef members at our annual meeting last year. See the pdf-extract labs page for […]
January 23, 2012 by Gary Price
From a LYRASIS Announcement: LYRASIS is pleased to announce the launch of its FOSS4LIB (Free/Open Source Software for Libraries), a website dedicated to providing guidance about open source software for the library community. [Clip] FOSS4LIB offers a set of Decision Support Tools for the library community to assess open source readiness and related decisions. The […]
November 2, 2011 by Gary Price
From the University of California: The University of California and several other major research institutions have partnered to develop the DMPTool, a flexible online application to help researchers generate data management plans — simple but effective documents for ensuring good data stewardship. These plans increasingly are being required by funders such as the National Science Foundation […]
March 8, 2011 by Gary Price
From an Oxford University Announcement: New free software, launched by Oxford University scientists, gives researchers the tools they need to collaborate more efficiently and quickly with colleagues scattered around the world and working in a variety of different research areas. The colwiz (‘collective wizdom’) R&D platform manages the entire research lifecycle from an initial idea, […]
March 7, 2011 by Gary Price
From ComputerWeekly.com The open source tool, called Droid (Digital Record Object Identification) has been designed to scan millions of files at a time and identify hundreds of different file formats, including most document, audio, video and image files in common use. Droid can identify more than 770 formats, using a combination of file format extensions […]