December 5, 2012 by Gary Price
In today’s special infoDOCKET edition of LJXpress, we are collecting a few examples of some of the high-quality open-web resources we've shared on infoDOCKET during the past year. They are also examples of the types of open-web resources libraries should be increasingly collecting and promoting. Why? It's time to give open-web collection development the attention it deserves. In most respects this is nothing new. It's simply taking what we've always done—as when we build collections of print and electronic tools—and adapting these concepts for the open web. What’s included below is only a tiny portion of what we've selected to share on infoDOCKET and an even tinier portion of what's available on the open web. We hope you join us on infoDOCKET or on Twitter via @infoDOCKET each day as we share news and new resources and tools for you to know about, learn, and share. Thanks for reading – Gary Price, Editor, LJ’s infoDOCKET