April 16, 2012 by Gary Price
From the Canadian Press (via CBC): A Nova Scotia school board’s proposal to cut all of its 41 librarians to balance its books highlights a larger trend at some Canadian schools as libraries become victims of continued budget cuts, a development that some argue is having an impact on the quality of children’s education. And […]
November 12, 2011 by Gary Price
From the Windsor Star: Seven months after effectively closing school libraries – igniting a furor and drawing national headlines – the Catholic school board has recruited the Windsor Public Library to help resurrect its libraries. “Certainly I said I get it,” board director Paul Picard said after meeting with library board chairman Al Maghnieh and […]
May 16, 2011 by Gary Price
This is the full text of the report that’s mentioned in a Global and Mail article we linked to earlier today. The report is published by People for Education. Some Quick Facts from the Report: • 56% of elementary schools have a teacher-librarian, most are part-time; this is a decline from 80% in 1997/98. • […]