April 6, 2012 by Gary Price
From IBM: To celebrate the history of math and its impact on the world, IBM has released Minds of Modern Mathematics, an iPad app that re-imagines a classic 50-foot infographic on the history of math created by husband-and-wife design team Charles and Ray Eames and displayed at the 1964 World’s Fair in New York City. […]
September 12, 2011 by Gary Price
Watson Gets A Job! From the IBM Web Site: WellPoint, Inc. and IBM announced an agreement today to create the first commercial applications of the IBM Watson technology. Under the agreement, WellPoint will develop and launch Watson-based solutions to help improve patient care through the delivery of up-to-date, evidence-based health care for millions of Americans. […]
August 2, 2011 by Gary Price
From an IBM Announcement: The prototype technology, created by IBM Research, allows full-text digitization of Japanese literature to be quickly realized through expansive recognition of Japanese characters and enabling users to collaboratively review and correct language characters, script and structure. Additionally, the full-text digitization system is designed to promote future international collaborations and standardization of […]