March 15, 2013 by Gary Price
Here’s a portion of a letter to the Harvard Community by Provost Alan Garber: I write to share the news that Mary Lee Kennedy [Senior Associate Provost for the Harvard Library] will be leaving Harvard on May 14, 2013, to accept the position of Chief Library Officer at the New York Public Library. This is […]
May 15, 2012 by Gary Price
That’s the word in a recent post on the LibraryThing Blog. Big Kudos to LT! From the Blog Post: It took a while to process, but we’ve finally completed adding all 12.3 million MARC records (3.1GB of bibliographic goodness!) to LibraryThing. They’ve gone into OverCat, our giant index of library records from around the world—now […]
April 22, 2012 by Gary Price
From the May-June 2012 Issue of Harvard Magazine: The aim is both to reduce duplication of effort across what had been 73 separate libraries, and to coordinate strategic initiatives going forward, particularly in digital collections and digitization of existing holdings, where the library needs to catch up with prevailing scholarly practices. But the path toward […]
April 20, 2012 by Gary Price
From a Letter by the Harvard Faculty Advisory Council to All Harvard Faculty Members (via Harvard U. Library Transition Web Site) We write to communicate an untenable situation facing the Harvard Library. Many large journal publishers have made the scholarly communication environment fiscally unsustainable and academically restrictive. This situation is exacerbated by efforts of certain […]
April 19, 2012 by Gary Price
From The Harvard Crimson: As doubts about the future of Harvard libraries have mounted, what faculty, library workers, and administrators have called lackluster communication on the part of the University has led the Harvard community to question whether a restructured library system will meet its needs. Read the Full Text
April 12, 2012 by Gary Price
From the Harvard Gazette: The archivist of the United States, David Ferriero, says that one of the core challenges facing today’s librarians, archivists, and museum curators is the need for them to work across disciplines to deliver the integrated, seamless level of service that tech-savvy users are increasingly coming to expect. “We are all in […]
March 26, 2012 by Gary Price
From the Houghton Library Blog: An exciting array of materials have recently been digitized at Houghton. They include manuscript material from Joanna Baillie, George Eliot, John Keats, Charles Lamb, Percy Shelley, Robert Southey, Alfred Tennyson, Hester Thrale and George Washington. A 15th century breviary and Belgian incunable, multiple musical scores, cartoons, broadsides and more may […]
February 14, 2012 by Gary Price
From the The Harvard Crimson: The University will offer a Voluntary Early Retirement Incentive Program to library employees 55 years and older with 10 years of service under their belts, according to a University spokesperson. Those who choose to accept the offer will receive six months’ pay, plus two additional weeks’ pay for every year […]
February 10, 2012 by Gary Price
From Today’s Letter to the Harvard Community by Harvard U. Provost Alan Garber: Today, I write to share how a new organizational design and strategic direction, recently recommended by the Library Board, will position the Harvard Library to respond to the evolving expectations of the 21stcentury scholar. The new Library organizational design enables Harvard to respond […]