December 18, 2012 by Gary Price
Note: Today’s release comes about 15 months after after Google and the IAA made hi-res images of five of the dead sea scrolls available online. More about that project here. Now, today’s news. From the Official Google Blog: The Israel Antiquities Authority is launching the Leon Levy Dead Sea Scrolls Digital Library, an online collection […]
December 17, 2012 by Gary Price
1. Announcement From Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma (In Italian) Translated Version (via Google Translate) Scanning began last week. 2. Announcement From Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze (In Italian) Translated Version (via Google Translate) Scanning begins in early January. Both of these book scanning projects were first announced in March 2010. 3. The Ohio St. […]
August 19, 2011 by Gary Price
From the Center for Jewish History in New York City: During World War II with the Nazi rise to power, more than 2,000 titles from the Wissenschaft des Judentums or Science of Judaism texts housed at the Frankfurt Library in Germany were either destroyed or dispersed. More than half of the lost titles, cataloged at […]
July 26, 2011 by Gary Price
From an Article by Alison Flood (via The Guardian): Until now. I come back from holiday to learn about one of the most exciting developments for ages: from Arthur C Clarke to Philip K Dick, Marion Zimmer Bradley to Robert Silverberg, Gollancz is making thousands of classic out-of-print SFF titles available as ebooks. The SF […]
June 27, 2011 by Gary Price
From a Rumsey Map Collection Blog Post: 1,676 new maps and images have been added to the David Rumsey Map Collection, bringing the online collection to 27,800 maps and images. Included in this addition are 666 images of Pocket Maps, a rare edition of Sanborn’s 1905 Atlas of San Francisco from the S.F. Public Library […]
June 22, 2011 by Gary Price
From Yonhap News (South Korea): A group of South Korean and U.S. academics is working to revisit the Korean War six decades later in a tech-savvy way: by digitizing photos, maps, official documents and video footage of interviews with war veterans. [Clip] A formal Web site will be launched around October that will include a […]