November 7, 2011 by Gary Price
Title: Eliminating traditional reference services in an academic health sciences library: a case study Author: Stephanie J Schulte, MLIS (The Ohio State University) Source: Journal of the Medical Library Association, 2011 October; 99(4) Abstract Question: How were traditional librarian reference desk services successfully eliminated at one health sciences library? Setting: The analysis was done at […]
September 20, 2011 by Gary Price
Updated 2011 Case Studies In 2009 Ithaka S+R investigated the sustainability strategies of twelve digital content projects in the higher education and cultural heritage sectors in the US, UK, France, Germany, and Egypt. Two years and one economic crisis later, Ithaka S+R, with the generous support of the JISC-led Strategic Content Alliance, decided to revisit […]
April 5, 2011 by Gary Price
Direct to Full Text Report (84 Pages; PDF) A new report (case study) from the UK’s Research Information Network: This new report is the second in a series of case studies to provide a detailed analysis of how researchers discover, use, create and manage their information resources. This project focuses on the behaviours and needs […]