May 16, 2012 by Gary Price
From The Ubssey (School Paper at UBC): UBC [U. of British Columbia] has announced that it won’t be returning to Access Copyright. The Association of Canadian Colleges and Universities (ACCU), of which UBC is a member, agreed to draft a deal with Access Copyright, a publishing organization that centrally controls rights for academic materials such […]
September 22, 2011 by Gary Price
From the The Ubyssey (University of British Columbia): Professors and students are struggling to figure out how to stay within the legal bounds of copyright since UBC opted out of a licensing agreement with Access Copyright (AC) back in August. However, the university has said that the academic community should already have been aware of […]
August 30, 2011 by Gary Price
From Inside Higher Ed: More than a dozen Canadian universities — including heavyweights such as the University of British Columbia, the University of Calgary and York University — have said they will not renew their agreements with Access Copyright, a government-created nonprofit that sells licenses to its library of copyright-cleared content. The idea of the […]