Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA) Announces Launch of Big Ten Open Books Project
UPDATED POST (as of 8/3): Announcements From Partners
- Big Ten Open Books Collection Now Available on Project MUSE
- Big Ten Open Books First Collection Launched (Purdue University)
- JSTOR Expands Open Access with the Big Ten Open Books Project
- Launched: Big Ten Open Books (University of Michigan)
- More Than Free: Big Ten Open Books + IU (Indiana University)
- MSU Libraries and MSU Press Partner with the Big Ten Academic Alliance to Announce First Big Ten Open Books Collection (via Michigan St. University)
- New Big Ten Open Books First Collection Provides Open Access To Scholarly Monographs (University of Iowa)
- The Big Ten Academic Alliance and Press Partners Launch Big Ten Open Books (University of Minnesota)
- The Big Ten Academic Alliance and University Press Partners Announce the Big Ten Open Books First Collection
—End Update—
From the Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA):
In partnership with six member university presses, the University Librarians of the Big Ten Academic Alliance announce the launch of the Big Ten Open Books project, a collaboration between the university presses and libraries of the Big TenAcademic Alliance
The first 100-title collection centered on Gender and Sexuality studies is now published. The works included in the collection have all been previously published in print by the partnering university presses and are now being made openly available in digital form to read and reuse at no cost. Each title has undergone a rigorous selection and quality certification process that allows readers and users of this collection to trust the veracity of the content made available.
The Big Ten Open Books first collection brings to the reader a wide variety of materials in the arts, humanities, and social science disciplines that are centered on gender and sexuality themes. The collection’s impact will be seen through its broad sharing of knowledge and high-quality scholarship. Big Ten Open Books creates ebook collections that aspire to the highest standards of discoverability, accessibility, durability, and flexibility.
This collection has established a distinctive model for unified, open-access publishing of scholarly monographs. It creates open content that is immediately and universally available, on open infrastructure, Fulcrum, hosted by the University of Michigan, using open distribution models (including Project MUSE, JSTOR, and OAPEN) to envision a robust programmatic future for open monograph publishing. This work is aligned with the Big Ten Academic Alliance’s development of the BIG Collection’s ambition of uniting the collections of the libraries of the Big Ten Academic Alliance and is supported by the Mellon Foundation’s Public Knowledge program. The partner presses are Indiana University Press, Michigan State University Press, Northwestern University Press, Purdue University Press, University of Michigan Press, and University of Wisconsin Press.
The Big Ten Academic Alliance continues its advocacy for a sustainable and open ecosystem of publication. Collectively, our institutions’ more than 50,000 faculty are supported by over $11 billion in research funding, and our institutions have invested significantly in our capacity to further the research mission by advancing public knowledge through open publishing. Together, we produce roughly 15% of the research publications in the United States.
Filed under: Funding, Libraries, News, Open Access, Patrons and Users, Publishing

About Gary Price
Gary Price ( is a librarian, writer, consultant, and frequent conference speaker based in the Washington D.C. metro area. He earned his MLIS degree from Wayne State University in Detroit. Price has won several awards including the SLA Innovations in Technology Award and Alumnus of the Year from the Wayne St. University Library and Information Science Program. From 2006-2009 he was Director of Online Information Services at