The Washington Post today announces the climate data from Pulitzer Prize-winning series “2°C: Beyond the Limit” will be available on GitHub. The data will allow users to create their own charts showing the changing temperatures in a specific county or state, map temperature change in a region and explore seasonal differences in climate change. The series pioneered the use of temperature data, demonstrating that extreme climate change is already a life-altering reality across 10 percent of the Earth’s surface.


To analyze warming temperatures in the United States, The Washington Post used the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Climate Divisional Database and Gridded 5km GHCN-Daily Temperature and Precipitation Dataset data sets, which provide monthly temperature data between 1895 and 2019 for the Lower 48 states.

Read the Complete Announcement

Learn More: How to Use The Post’s Climate Data Analysis, Includes Links to Data Files

Direct to Washington Post GitHub Repository