Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) Publishes 2018 Progress Report
From DOAJ News:
It’s going to be an exciting year for DOAJ and for open access. Much of the work which you can read about below will come to fruition in 2019 , as well as new opportunities presenting themselves.
With a revised set of Principles of Transparency and Best Practice and a new mission, DOAJ started 2018 by publishing its strategy to show the community where DOAJ is focussing its efforts: a) funding and sustainability; b) functionality, stability and scalability; c) education and outreach.
Financially, DOAJ has seen the benefits of the SCOSS initiative, with more than 60% of all monies being donated from the public sector:
The post goes on to discuss the following topics:
- Faster Evaluation of Journals (Funding and Sustainability)
- Improved Monitoring Of Journal Compliance and Systemic Weeding Campaign (Funding and Sustainability)
- Enable Greater Collaboration with Organisations to Enrich Metadata (Education and Outreach)
- Strengthen Coverage and Diversity in Terms Of Language and Geography, Including an Extended Ambassador Programme And Translated Materials (Education and Outreach)
- Governance (Funding and Sustainability)
- Account Holder Survey (Funding and Sustainability)
- Refactoring Project (Functionality, Stability and Scalability)
Some DOAJ Data
In 2014, when DOAJ was relaunched on its current platform, the database was receiving about 22,000 hits per day. Today, we are seeing figures upwards of 75,500 per day (averaging 1.2 million hits per month), plus an increase in traffic from referrals (75% of all DOAJ traffic comes via referrals), plus huge amounts of activity via our API (2018 up to mid-July: 130,804,030 hits; 2017 total: 187,212,674). In 2014, the database held about 2 million pieces of article metadata; today it is about 4.3 million. The need for a holistic, strategic approach was very real to ensure that there would be no surprises along what is turning out to be a 3-year project.
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Filed under: Data Files, Funding, News, Open Access, Publishing
About Gary Price
Gary Price ( is a librarian, writer, consultant, and frequent conference speaker based in the Washington D.C. metro area. He earned his MLIS degree from Wayne State University in Detroit. Price has won several awards including the SLA Innovations in Technology Award and Alumnus of the Year from the Wayne St. University Library and Information Science Program. From 2006-2009 he was Director of Online Information Services at