Second Release of “Canada and the World Statistics Hub” Now Available Online From Statistics Canada
From Statistics Canada:
The Canada and the World Statistics Hub gathers data from a number of Statistics Canada products and presents the information in a single interactive analytical product. The Statistics Hub makes it easier for users to find and analyze the wealth of information that Statistics Canada publishes related to Canada’s economic and financial activity with the world.
The Canada and the World Statistics Hub presents information according to four main topics: trade, investment, employment and travel. Key indicators are available for each of the topics, including merchandise trade by province, trade in services, trade by enterprise characteristics, foreign direct investment, foreign affiliate statistics and much more. The Statistics Hub also provides links to more detailed data and information about definitions, concepts and methods.
The first release of this product in July 2017 illustrated Canada’s economic and financial relationship with the United States, Canada’s most important trading partner. This second release of the Canada and the World Statistics Hub includes information for six other major partners: the United Kingdom, Japan, China, Mexico, Germany and France.
The second release of the Statistics Hub also contains new information on the characteristics of importers of goods in Canada, complementing the existing data on the characteristics of exporters. It also includes a comparison of data on bilateral trade in goods with the United States which outlines the differences between the published imports of one country and the published exports of the other, as well as factors responsible for these differences. This information will be updated on a quarterly basis.
It should be noted that information available for the United Kingdom, Japan, China, Mexico, Germany and France, while still fairly detailed, is not as comprehensive as the information available for the United States. Data sources used to compile the international accounts enable the generation of more detailed data for the United States in comparison with these countries.
Direct to Canada and the World Statistics Hub
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About Gary Price
Gary Price ( is a librarian, writer, consultant, and frequent conference speaker based in the Washington D.C. metro area. He earned his MLIS degree from Wayne State University in Detroit. Price has won several awards including the SLA Innovations in Technology Award and Alumnus of the Year from the Wayne St. University Library and Information Science Program. From 2006-2009 he was Director of Online Information Services at