New Video From Center For Research Libraries (CRL): Pursuing the “Long Tail” of Elusive Publishers
A video recording of yesterday’s (February 24, 2016) Center For Research Libraries (CRL) webinar, Pursuing the Long Tail of Elusive Publishers, is now available online and embedded below.
From CRL’s Description of the Webinar
In the last ten years the persistence of digital resources has become an urgent concern of research libraries. As a result some major building blocks for the infrastructure of digital preservation have now been put in place: digital repositories like Portico, CLOCKSS and Scholars Portal. These now provide independent archiving of journal content from large academic and scientific publishers like Elsevier, Springer and Wiley.
In recent years Portico has expanded its coverage of smaller electronic publishers: At the end of 2015, one half of all publishers archiving journal content in Portico were in this category. While this is a significant development, much work remains to be done. Important electronic journal and e-book content is still “elusive” and at risk of “going dark.”
In an October 2015 blog post CRL suggested that the community “work with trusted digital repositories like CLOCKSS, Portico, and other digital preservation efforts to strategically expand their title holdings, and provide appropriate redundancy for key at-risk titles.”
Pursuing the “Long Tail” is the first in a series of four CRL webinars that will examine the benefits, capabilities and possibilities of the Portico digital preservation service. The webinar on February 24 will examine Portico’s priorities and targets for growth, and explore how to better align those with the priorities of CRL member libraries.
Featured presentations:
- Portico Growth and Small Publishers – Stephanie Orphan, Director of Publisher Relations, Portico
- What is the Corpus of E-Journal Content to Preserve? – Amy J. Kirchoff, Archive Service Product Manager, Portico
- Prioritizing further growth — Kate Wittenberg, Managing Director of Portico
- Discussion: Ways CRL libraries could help prioritize further additions to Portico
Subsequent webinars will examine tools for measuring Portico content in comparison with libraries’ subscribed holdings; new types of scholarly research content and practices; and how Portico’s D-Collections work.
Filed under: Academic Libraries, Companies (Publishers/Vendors), Digital Preservation, Elsevier, Libraries, News, Open Access, Preservation, Publishing, Video Recordings

About Gary Price
Gary Price ( is a librarian, writer, consultant, and frequent conference speaker based in the Washington D.C. metro area. He earned his MLIS degree from Wayne State University in Detroit. Price has won several awards including the SLA Innovations in Technology Award and Alumnus of the Year from the Wayne St. University Library and Information Science Program. From 2006-2009 he was Director of Online Information Services at