Chairman of Boston Public Library Board of Directors, Jeffery Rudman, is Resigning
The full text of Jeffery Rudman’s resignation announcement is posted below.
Rudman’s resignation comes eight days after Boston Public Library President, Amy Ryan, announced her resignation and one week after the “missing” BPL artwork was discovered misfiled in the library.
Full Text of Jeffery Rudman’s Resignation Announcement (via BPL):
Today, the Chair of the Boston Public Library Board of Trustees, Jeffrey Rudman, announced his resignation after a meeting with Mayor Walsh, effective July 3, 2015.
“I want to thank Jeff Rudman for his service to the Boston Public Library,” Mayor Walsh said. “We are fortunate to be home to one of the country’s most renowned library systems and it’s important that we maintain the highest standard for the residents of Boston. Using the audit as a guide, I look forward to working with the Library to strengthen our programs and services, especially in the neighborhoods, and the availability and security of our assets.”
“I’m grateful for the opportunity to have served on the Boston Public Library Board of Trustees, and with such a thoughtful and engaging board,” said Chair Rudman. “The Boston Public Library has prospered under the leadership of President Amy Ryan and my fellow Trustees. The people of Boston must remember that the Boston Public Library is the greatest library system in the country.”
The Operational and Financial Assessment of BPL, the audit commissioned by Mayor Walsh, identifies opportunities for improvements to the library and its branches. Mayor Walsh will be inviting trustees and stakeholders of the BPL to meet with him to discuss thoughtful solutions to ongoing issues and outline priorities that will build the best future for the Boston Public Library. Link to the audit:
Jeff Rudman was appointed to the Boston Public Library Board of Trustees by Mayor Thomas M. Menino in March 2004, and was appointed Chair of the Board of Trustees in May 2006. During his tenure he has led the Trustees and the Boston Public Library with great personal passion for the institution. In his role, his extensive knowledge of the law, and scholarly knowledge of the humanities reflected in his decision making and the library’s progress today.
Rudman was paramount in guiding the BPL through the 2008 branch closing crisis, advocating for the expansion of access to the Central Library in Copley Square from six days to seven days, growing access to the library’s online collections, and overseeing the construction of three new neighborhood branch libraries in Mattapan, East Boston, and Grove Hall. Rudman has also been an extraordinary fiduciary supporter of the library, donating more than $750,000 during his tenure.
Filed under: Jobs, Libraries, Management and Leadership, Public Libraries, Reports

About Gary Price
Gary Price ( is a librarian, writer, consultant, and frequent conference speaker based in the Washington D.C. metro area. He earned his MLIS degree from Wayne State University in Detroit. Price has won several awards including the SLA Innovations in Technology Award and Alumnus of the Year from the Wayne St. University Library and Information Science Program. From 2006-2009 he was Director of Online Information Services at