eBooks: The Debut of Several New Products From BiblioBoard; Company Signed 370 New Publishing Partners to Platform During Q4, 2013
We’ve posted about BiblioBoard several times on infoDOCKET. Most recently at the end of November 2013 when we noted their involvement with the statewide ebook pilot in Massachusetts (MA Ebook Project).
Today, in a extended news release the company made several announcements. Here’s a roundup.
You can read the full text of the news release here.
New From BiblioLabs/Biblioboard
BiblioLabs announces the signing of over 370 additional publishers to its BiblioBoard platform in the last quarter of 2013. This expands BiblioBoard’s digital content by over 125,000 recently published eBooks in addition to tens of thousands of thematically curated photos, documents, sounds, videos and other ephemera.
New Products Available on the Biblioboard Digital Content Platform/Apps:
- Graphic Novels, Young Adult and Children’s: This includes thousands of in-demand publisher titles in the highest demand categories for public libraries from publishers like Bluewater Productions, eigoMANGA, Arcana Studio, Barrallier, and many more.
- Academic Content: Robust collections of eBooks and journals from prestigious presses, including UNC Press, University of Manchester Press and Purdue.
- BiblioBoard Common Core for schools and grades 6-12. Over 1.5 million pages of high-quality primary source media expertly curated and organized into 12 Common Core Modules, complete with supplemental Teaching Guides aligned with Common Core State Standards.
- Spanish Language Modules: These are large modules of contemporary Central and South American Spanish language content from over 300 Spanish language publishers such as EL Cid, Scielo Cuba, Grupo Destiempos, Bubok, Granica, Nobuko, Encuentro, and many more. These expertly curated collections center around topics like Art and Architecture, Personal Development/Self Help, Language, Literature and Fiction, and Technology. They feature over 1,000 books originally published in 2013, including all the books written by Jorge Mario Bergoglio (now known as Pope Francis).
- Ultimate History Project and Ancient History Encyclopedia: New products from two prominent online communities representing thousands of curators and historians around the world.
- BiblioBoard Access: Includes new, diverse products from the National Library of Spain, National Library of Finland, the College of Charleston, Academy of Science of the Czech Republic, among others.
See Also: BiblioBoard App for iPad Provides Worldwide Access to Historical Books (August 2013)
See Also: Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia Extends Partnership With BiblioLabs, Digital Collection Now Available Worldwide (January 14, 2013)
See Also: The British Library 19th Century Historical Collection App Wins Publishing Innovation Awards (January 24, 2012)
Filed under: Awards, Companies (Publishers/Vendors), Libraries, National Libraries, News, Public Libraries, Publishing, Roundup

About Gary Price
Gary Price (gprice@gmail.com) is a librarian, writer, consultant, and frequent conference speaker based in the Washington D.C. metro area. He earned his MLIS degree from Wayne State University in Detroit. Price has won several awards including the SLA Innovations in Technology Award and Alumnus of the Year from the Wayne St. University Library and Information Science Program. From 2006-2009 he was Director of Online Information Services at Ask.com.