New Online: Presentations from 2nd Annual Designing Libraries For the 21st Century Conference
The event was sponsored by the Coalition for Networked Information, NC. State U., and the University of Calgary took place on October 6-8 at the new and critically acclaimed James B. Hunt, Jr. Library at North Carolina State University.
Here’s the final program.
Earlier today, CNI’s Assoc. Executive Director, Joan Lippincott, posted that presentations from the conference were now available online.
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Here’s a List of the Presentations and Presenters
Realizing the Vision
Realizing the Vision
Susan K.Nutter, Vice Provost and Director of Libraries, NCSU Libraries
Creating Spaces for Learning
Focusing on Learning in New Library Spaces
Joan Lippincott, Coalition for Networked Information
Designing Spaces for Students
Where Students Go in a Day
Nancy Fried Foster, Senior Anthropologist, Ithaka S+R
Designing Spaces for Graduate Students: Listening/Placemaking
Lucinda Covert-Vail, Director, Public Services, NYU
The Marketplace, the exchange of ideas, skills, and knowledge
Brian Mathews, Associate Dean for Learning and Outreach, University Libraries, Virginia Tech
Design Team and Customer
Design Team and Customer – Dantzer
Steve Dantzer, Associtate Vice President, Facilties Development, University of Calgary
Design Team and Customer – Cease
Clymer Cease, Principal/Operations Director, Clark Nexsen
Importance of Interiors
The Importance of Interiors – Mavrinac
Mary Ann Mavrinac, Dean of River Campus Libraries, University of Rochester
The Importance of Interiors – Emery
Gwen Emery, Director of Library Environments, NCSU Libraries
A Year or Two Later: Lessons Learned
Research Libraries: Designing for Change
Tom Hickerson, Vice Provost, Libraries and Cultural Resources, University Librarian, University of Calgary
The convergence of design with expectations
Gordon Yusko, Assistant Director, Irving K. Barber Learning Center, University of British Columbia
“Fewer Undergrads (Joking)”:What Graduate Students Want from their Research Library and What We’re Doing about it
Marta Brunner, Head of Collections, Research, and Intructional Services, UCLA
Designing Technology Spaces in the Library
Designing Technology Spaces in the Library
Maurice York, Head, Information Technology, NCSU Libraries
Designing the Flexible Envelope
Shawna Sadler, Technology Officer, University of Calgary
Designing Spaces for Faculty and Research
From Idea to Agenda
Harreitte Hemmasi, University Librarian, Brown University
One Professor’s View on the Hunt’s Research-Enabling Design or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Library
Michael Young, Computer Science-Engineering, NCSU
Realizing the Vision – Keynote
The Library, the City, and Infinite Possibilities: Ryerson University’s Student Learning Center Project
Madeleine Lefebrvre, Chief Librarian, Ryerson University
Direct to Presentation Links
Filed under: Academic Libraries, Libraries, News
About Gary Price
Gary Price ( is a librarian, writer, consultant, and frequent conference speaker based in the Washington D.C. metro area. He earned his MLIS degree from Wayne State University in Detroit. Price has won several awards including the SLA Innovations in Technology Award and Alumnus of the Year from the Wayne St. University Library and Information Science Program. From 2006-2009 he was Director of Online Information Services at