New Report from JISC: “Use Cases and Views on the Future Use of ORCID in UK Higher Education”
UPDATE September 17 Listen to a Podcast with Laure Haak, Executive Director of ORCID
UPDATE September 17 Written Response to JISC Report from Laure Haak (PDF)
The following report from a JISC implementation group was made available today in the organization’s reepository. The report is dated August 2013 and runs 38 pages.
Use Cases and Views on the Future Use of ORCID in UK Higher Education
Nicky Feguson/Jisc ORCID Implementation Group
JISC Repository
From the Report’s Summary
Variety of plans for take up and implementation of ORCID.
Variety of views on secondary services but consensus that the priority is for ORCID to do the core task right – provide a reliable, accurate, unique and widely-used identifier for researchers potential researchers and research contributors and supporters.
Agreement that it is crucial to put researchers in control and at the centre of the process. It must be possible for institutions and individuals to verify or dispute claims of accreditation and identity.
Consensus that a priority for ORCID must be avoiding unintended duplication of ORCIDs, allowing merging where duplication does occur but not prejudicing the ability of one person to maintain separate ORCIDs which do not leak into each other in any way.
Institutions must be easily able to handle new and existing members of staff bringing ORCIDs with them, knowingly or not.
ORCID will always be just one of many important identifiers – we will need agreed IDs for organisations, fictional characters, dead or anonymous authors, known people without known names (e.g. mediaeval authors) and others. The University of Oxford’s approach, to use UUIDs as an underlying layer, is one possible solution.
Concern whether UK funders have the in-house capacity and resources to respond to the opportunities which ORCID presents for improving data exchange with HEIs.
Among other benefits identified:
- managing access to research facilities;
- reduction in form filling;
- improved CVs, performance reviews and records of achievements;
- career progress tracking, historical analysis and description of research “constellations”;
- reducing duplication of effort between publishers, funders, Gateway to Research and institutions;
- better visibility for researchers.
Direct to the Full Text Report (38 pages; PDF)
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About Gary Price
Gary Price ( is a librarian, writer, consultant, and frequent conference speaker based in the Washington D.C. metro area. He earned his MLIS degree from Wayne State University in Detroit. Price has won several awards including the SLA Innovations in Technology Award and Alumnus of the Year from the Wayne St. University Library and Information Science Program. From 2006-2009 he was Director of Online Information Services at