Video: 5 Project Briefing Presentations From the CNI 2013 Spring Meeting
The Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) Spring Membership Meeting took place in San Antonio (April 2013) and video recordings of many presentations area available on the web.
You can find all CNI videos (55 of them at the moment) on the organizations YouTube channel as well as Vimeo channel.
Here are five interesting and educational video presentations from Spring 2013 that we wanted to make sure you were aware of. Annotating the World’s Knowledge
Presenter: Peter Brantley,
For the first several decades of the Web’s existence, human communication and interaction has been re-engineered for new online forms. On the precipice of understanding how to present human knowledge using distributed networked technologies, open standards and tools are being drafted that permit commentary and discourse across different kinds of media and representations, whether text, image, audio, or PDF. Leveraging new identity systems, Web standards, and distributed storage, Vannevar Bush’s future can be glimpsed., a not-for-profit start-up, is building a reference implementation for open annotation, and will demonstrate its new tools.
RDF: Resource Description Failures
Presenter: Robert Sanderson, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Presentation Slides
Thinking about modeling your data using Resource Description Framework (RDF)? As with any choice of technology, there are benefits and downsides, appropriate situations for Linked Data and use cases that would be fulfilled more effectively by other frameworks. This presentation will focus on the pitfalls to avoid and the challenges of using graphs that are swept under the rug by some RDF advocates, and contrast them with the benefits in order to facilitate informed decision.
Not Your Grandfather’s Web Any More
Presenter: Kris Carpenter Negulescu, Internet Archive & David Rosenthal, LOCKSS Program
Presentation Slides: Rosenthal & Negulescu
Although parts of the Web, such as e-journals and e-books, largely retain the Web’s original document model, the newer parts of the Web, including social media, scientific workflows and Web services, have evolved into a programming environment, whose primary language is Javascript. This briefing will report on the results of a workshop held at the Library of Congress under the auspices of the International Internet Preservation Consortium. There, practitioners of Web archiving reviewed the practical and theoretical problems posed by this evolution of the Web. The practical problems include the need to execute the collected content, rather than simply record it, and then re-execute the preserved content in a way that recapitulates the original. The theoretical problems include the fact that every reader’s every visit to most Web pages is now a different experience. What does “the original” mean in this context?
The Library Building As Research Platform
Presenters: Kristin Antelman and Maurice York, North Carolina State University
Presentation Slides
This briefing will introduce the technology vision behind the James B. Hunt Jr. Library, a new, 200,000 square foot building that opened in January 2013 at North Carolina State University. The Hunt Library was designed to meet the challenge of re-envisioning library spaces as a platform for research. The library’s goal is to engage researchers across disciplines by deploying broadly applicable technologies such as large-scale visualization, high resolution and 3D imagery, and interactive computing. These core technologies are expressed in physical spaces such as Immersion Theater, Game Lab, Media Production Studios, Teaching & Visualization Lab, and Creativity Studio. Through an inherent ability to reconfigure, re-purpose, and interchange components and infrastructure, the building’s technology itself is designed to be an object of research, a sandbox for emerging technologies and a showcase for cutting edge applications. New segments of the faculty are engaging in deeper ways than ever before, including the launch of several research projects based around Hunt.
Not Another Cross-Search Tool: The Digital Commons Network
Presenter: Jean Gabriel Bankier, bepress
Presentation Slides
In November 2012, bepress launched the Digital Commons Network to bring together scholarship from hundreds of universities and colleges using the Digital Commons platform. The integration of individual repositories and the emphasis on the browsing experience makes this collection of institutional repositories unlike anything that has been attempted by the community. This session will include a presentation of the results that suggest the network is already having an impact. A tour of collections in the Digital Commons Network will be used to describe how a connected network is increasing the value of the institutional repository investment for all stakeholders. Finally, there may be a path for extending the Network to include institutions that are using open source platforms.
Filed under: Associations and Organizations, Data Files, Libraries, News, Open Access, Preservation, Video Recordings
About Gary Price
Gary Price ( is a librarian, writer, consultant, and frequent conference speaker based in the Washington D.C. metro area. He earned his MLIS degree from Wayne State University in Detroit. Price has won several awards including the SLA Innovations in Technology Award and Alumnus of the Year from the Wayne St. University Library and Information Science Program. From 2006-2009 he was Director of Online Information Services at