Columbus Metropolitan and Six Other Public Libraries Formally Launching Pilot of Midwest Tape’s Hoopla Digital Lending Platform
hoopla, a new digital borrowing platform from Holland, Ohio based Midwest Tape was formally launched today on the Columbus Metropolitan Library web site.
Look for the service to become available from the other pilot partners (see below) soon.
hoopla lets card holders borrow video (tv shows and movies), audiobooks, and music from their local library and view/list on a web browser or smartphone.
LJ’s Mike Kelley first wrote about the Hoopla almost a year ago right after the platform was previewed at the 2012 Public Library Association Conference.
From Today’s Launch Announcement (via Columbus Metropolitan Library):
Hoopla is designed for users of all ages and skill levels for easy navigation. CML is one of only seven library systems in the country piloting this service. The other library systems are: Toledo Public Library, Seattle Public Library, Orange County Library System, Los Angeles Public Library, Harford County Public Library and Charlotte Mecklenburg Library.
A feature unique to hoopla is that more than one customer can check out materials at a time, so there is no waiting for the items customers want to borrow. For further convenience, when the lending period expires, titles are automatically removed from the customer’s device making late fees a thing of the past.
Enjoying the service isn’t limited to one device, either. hoopla is a cloud based program that allows customers to borrow titles using one device and watch it on another – anywhere there’s an Internet connection. All customers need is a library card and an Internet connection to electronically borrow and enjoy movies, TV shows, audiobooks and music albums, accessible through any compatible device.
Direct to hoopla Web Site
Take a Look at the hoopla App for iOS, Android App Coming Soon to Google Play
Direct to hoopla on Facebook
Direct to hoopla on Twitter
Filed under: Libraries, News, Patrons and Users, Public Libraries

About Gary Price
Gary Price ( is a librarian, writer, consultant, and frequent conference speaker based in the Washington D.C. metro area. He earned his MLIS degree from Wayne State University in Detroit. Price has won several awards including the SLA Innovations in Technology Award and Alumnus of the Year from the Wayne St. University Library and Information Science Program. From 2006-2009 he was Director of Online Information Services at