New from National Library of Medicine: Learn About Toxic Chemicals Used in Hydraulic Fracturing
From the NLM Tech Bulletin:
The National Library of Medicine TOXMAP now provides information on the toxic chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing.
Companies involved in hydraulic fracturing are not currently required to report to the US EPA Toxics Release Inventory Program and so are not represented in TOXMAP. However, TOXMAP provides information on many of the most toxic chemicals used.
TOXMAP is a Geographic Information System (GIS) from the Division of Specialized Information Services of the US National Library of Medicine (NLMĀ®) that uses maps of the United States to help users visually explore data from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s Toxics Release Inventory and Superfund Programs.
Direct to TOXMAP
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About Gary Price
Gary Price ( is a librarian, writer, consultant, and frequent conference speaker based in the Washington D.C. metro area. He earned his MLIS degree from Wayne State University in Detroit. Price has won several awards including the SLA Innovations in Technology Award and Alumnus of the Year from the Wayne St. University Library and Information Science Program. From 2006-2009 he was Director of Online Information Services at