Now Available: Proceedings of the 159th ARL Membership Meeting
“Expanding Capacity and Partnerships in the Digital World.”
The 159th ARL Membership Meeting took place in Washington DC on October 12–13, 2011
Twitter Hashtag: #ARL11fall
Welcoming Remarks
Carol A. Mandel, New York University, and ARL President
Session audio to come
Constructing Digital Research Collections
Convener: Deanna Marcum, New York University
Charles J. Henry, Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR)
Ed Van Gemert, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Brewster Kahle, Internet Archive
Session audio to come
Van Gemert slides [PDF]
Kahle slides [PDF]
Opening Up Orphan Works
Convener: Lizabeth (Betsy) Wilson, University of Washington
Paul N. Courant, University of Michigan
Sharon E. Farb, University of California, Los Angeles
Jonathan Band, PLLC, Technology Law and Policy
Session audio to come
Farb slides [PDF]
Luncheon with Program
Convener: Mary Case, University of Illinois at Chicago
Speaker: R. Michael Tanner, Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU)
Session audio to come
Briefing from the Task Force on Licensing E-Book Packages
Speaker: Brinley Franklin, University of Connecticut and Chair of ARL Task Force on Licensing E-Book Packages
Session audio to come
Franklin slides [PDF]
Concurrent Topical Briefing Sessions
Update of Key Policy Issues Pending Before the Research Library Community
Convener: James F. Williams II, University of Colorado at Boulder and Chair of ARL Influencing Public Policies Steering Committee
Prudence S. Adler, Association of Research Libraries
Jonathan Band, PLLC, Technology Law and Policy
Brandon Butler, Association of Research Libraries
Session audio to come
Using Licenses and Contracts as Effective Tools for Scholarship
Convener: Ann J. Wolpert, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Speaker: Jaren D. Wilcoxson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Session audio to come
Expanding Capacity and Partnerships Through Authenticity and Trust: The Case of the MetaArchive Cooperative
Convener: H. Carton Rogers, University of Pennsylvania
Speaker: Tyler Walters, Virginia Tech
Session audio to come
Walters slides [PDF]
Filed under: Academic Libraries, Associations and Organizations, Conference Presentations, Funding, Libraries, Publishing

About Gary Price
Gary Price ( is a librarian, writer, consultant, and frequent conference speaker based in the Washington D.C. metro area. He earned his MLIS degree from Wayne State University in Detroit. Price has won several awards including the SLA Innovations in Technology Award and Alumnus of the Year from the Wayne St. University Library and Information Science Program. From 2006-2009 he was Director of Online Information Services at