Government Documents: Letter from 31 Regional Federal Depository Coordinators to GPO
The letter is dated October 19, 2011 and begins:
We write as coordinators of regional depository libraries to express our deep concern over GPO’s recent responses to two initiatives within the FDLP system. Given these responses, and the rejection of the 2011 Ithaka S+R report (Modeling a Sustainable Future of the Federal Depository Library Program in the 21st Century), we do not believe that GPO recognizes the gravity of the current situation in many regional federal depository libraries, and does not appear to be making efforts to understand this situation or to creatively partner with regional libraries or groups of depository libraries to help ameliorate the situation.
Read the Complete Letter (4 pages; PDF)
The Letter is Signed By:
Dan Barkely
University of New Mexico
Charles Bernholz
University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Stephanie Braunstein
Louisiana State University
Christina Chang
West Virginia University
Kirsten Clark
University of Minnesota
Marie Concannon
Missouri University
Gregory Curtis
University of Maine
Mary Freilich
University of Memphis
Rita Franks
Louisiana Tech
Kathy Hale
State Library of Pennsylvania
Audrey Hall
State Library of Ohio
Laura Harper
University o f Mississippi
Beth Harper
University of Wisconsin
Peggy Jobe
University of Colorado, Boulder
Sandee McAninch
University of Kentucky
Marianne Mason
University of Iowa
Camen Orth-Alfie
University of Kansas
John Phillips
Oklahoma State University
Blaine Redemer
State Library of Illinois
Tom Rohrig
Texas Tech University
Beth Rowe
University of North Carolina
Barbie Selby
University of Virginia
Gwen Sinclair
University of Hawaii, Manoa
Bill Sudduth
University of South Carolina
Jan Swanbeck
University of Florida
Lori Thornton
Washington State Library
John Walters
University of Maryland
Arlene Weible
Oregon State Library
Gail Fithian
Boston Public Librar

About Gary Price
Gary Price ( is a librarian, writer, consultant, and frequent conference speaker based in the Washington D.C. metro area. He earned his MLIS degree from Wayne State University in Detroit. Price has won several awards including the SLA Innovations in Technology Award and Alumnus of the Year from the Wayne St. University Library and Information Science Program. From 2006-2009 he was Director of Online Information Services at