UPDATE: Google Books iOS App is Available Once Again; Kobo, Nook, and Other Apps Updated To Reflect Change in Apple Policy
Updated Post: The Google eBook App is back online.
Changes? Enhancements?
The page reads: “Minor enhancements and bug fixes.”
Btw, what we mentioned below about Google not letting users know what was going on remains an issue. They could have done it a number of ways including making a small notation on some of the help documentation pages, a very brief blog post, informing key members of the media. No, they don’t have to do it but when a company is always talking about transparency and access to info how hard would it be to provide access to just a few words alerting users of what’s going on.
Hat Tip/Thanks: The Digital Reader
A new restriction that Apple announced was coming has gone into effect. Direct links to purchase material from the book vendor, newspaper, streaming music providers, etc. outside of the app. As a Kobo blog post puts it, You can no longer shop within our app from the Kobo bookstore.”
iOS apps for Kobo and Nook have been updated with the links their bookstores removed. However, the iPad app for nook is not online.
The Wall St. Journal is also having to deal with the policy change is are music service like Rhapsody.
See: “Kobo, WSJ Halt Direct Sales on Apple-Device Apps”
What about the Google eBook iOS app? It’s not online at this hour.
From ZDnet: “Apple enforcing eReader restrictions, Google Books no longer available to iOS”
- It appears that the app was removed either late Wed. or Thursday. Here’s are a 9to5Google article and a post from the Google Books Help forum from Thursday, July 21, 2011.
- NOTE TO GOOGLE: When a product or service you provide something is removed/taken offline (even temporarily) how about updating key help pages on the Google site with the info?
- It’s now Monday at 1:30 EDT and the documentation about the Google iOS eBooks app hasn’t been updated with info about the app no longer being available.
- Examples: 1 ||| 2 (Known Issues Page). The page with eBook app info along with a link to download the unavailable app also remains available.
Filed under: News, Patrons and Users
About Gary Price
Gary Price (gprice@gmail.com) is a librarian, writer, consultant, and frequent conference speaker based in the Washington D.C. metro area. He earned his MLIS degree from Wayne State University in Detroit. Price has won several awards including the SLA Innovations in Technology Award and Alumnus of the Year from the Wayne St. University Library and Information Science Program. From 2006-2009 he was Director of Online Information Services at Ask.com.