How Federal Agencies Can Effectively Manage Records Created Using New Social Media Tools
How Federal Agencies Can Effectively Manage Records Created Using New Social Media Tools
The nation’s most precious document, the Declaration of Independence, has a storied history surrounding its conservation. Although it has faded badly due to poor preservation techniques during the 19th century, it is still available for viewing in the rotunda of the National Archives in Washington, D.C.
Historical documents today are more ephemeral, many existing only in electronic form. How can we ensure that historians will have access, for example, to the 2010 YouTube interview with President Obama or that records related to federal agencies’ deployment of social media to aid the January 2010 Haitian earthquake relief efforts don’t disappear, lit erally, into thin air?
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Source: IBM Center for the Business of Government
Filed under: Archives and Special Collections, Interviews, News, Preservation, Profiles, Video Recordings