Just Released: International Journal of Digital Curation Vol 6, No 1
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Kevin Ashley
Papers (Peer-reviewed)
Born Broken: Fonts and Information Loss in Legacy Digital Documents
Geoffrey Brown, Kam Woods
Use and Impact of UK Research Data Centres
Ellen Collins
The Milieu and the MESSAGE: Talking to Researchers about Data Curation Issues in a Large and Diverse e-Science Project
Martin Donnelly, Robin North
Assessing the Preservation Condition of Large and Heterogeneous Electronic Records Collections with Visualization
Maria Esteva, Weijia Xu, Suyog Dutt Jain, Jennifer L. Lee, Wendy K. Martin
Beyond the Data Deluge: A Research Agenda for Large-Scale Data Sharing and Reuse
Ixchel M. Faniel, Ann Zimmerman
Use of Ontologies for Data Integration and Curation
Judith Gelernter, Michael Lesk
Migrating Home Computer Audio Waveforms to Digital Objects: A Case Study on Digital Archaeology
Mark Guttenbrunner, Mihai Ghete, Annu John, Chrisanth Lederer, Andreas Rauber
Dependency Analysis of Legacy Digital Materials to Support Emulation Based Preservation
Aaron Hsu, Geoffrey Brown
Towards a Holistic Approach to Policy Interoperability in Digital Libraries and Digital Repositories
Perla Innocenti, MacKenzie Smith, Kevin Ashley, Seamus Ross, Antonella De Robbio, Hans Pfeiffenberger, John Faundeen
Education for eScience Professionals: Integrating Data Curation and Cyberinfrastructure
Youngseek Kim, Benjamin K. Addom, Jeffrey M. Stanton
Making Digital Curation a Systematic Institutional Function
Christopher Prom
What Constitutes Successful Format Conversion? Towards a Formalization of ‘Intellectual Content’
C. M. Sperberg-McQueen
Where the Semantic Web and Web 2.0 Meet Format Risk Management: P2 Registry
David Tarrant, Steve Hitchcock, Les Carr
Automation of Flexible Migration Workflows
Dirk von Suchodoletz, Klaus Rechert, Randolph Welte, Maurice van den Dobbelsteen, Bill Roberts, Jeffrey van der Hoeven, Jasper Schroder
Open Science in Practice: Researcher Perspectives and Participation
Angus Whyte, Graham Pryor
Linking to Scientific Data: Identity Problems of Unruly and Poorly Bounded Digital Objects
Laura Wynholds
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The Human Face of Digital Preservation: Organizational and Staff Challenges, and Initiatives at the Bibliothèque nationale de France
Emmanuelle Bermès, Louise Fauduet
Implementing Metadata that Guide Digital Preservation Services
Angela Dappert, Adam Farquhar
Cost Model for Digital Preservation: Cost of Digital Migration
Ulla Bøgvad Kejser, Anders Bo Nielsen, Alex Thirifays
Are you Ready? Assessing Whether Organisations are Prepared for Digital Preservation
Pauline Sinclair, James Duckworth, Lewis Jardine, Ann Keen, Robert Sharpe, Clive Billenness, Adam Farquhar, Jane Humphreys
Towards Support for Long-Term Digital Preservation in Product Life Cycle Management
Wolfgang Wilkes, Jörg Brunsmann, Dominic Heutelbeck, Andreas Hundsdörfer, Matthias Hemmje, Hans-Ulrich Heidbrink
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Filed under: Data Files, Digital Preservation, Journal Articles, Libraries, Management and Leadership, News, Open Access, Preservation
About Gary Price
Gary Price (gprice@gmail.com) is a librarian, writer, consultant, and frequent conference speaker based in the Washington D.C. metro area. He earned his MLIS degree from Wayne State University in Detroit. Price has won several awards including the SLA Innovations in Technology Award and Alumnus of the Year from the Wayne St. University Library and Information Science Program. From 2006-2009 he was Director of Online Information Services at Ask.com.