February 20, 2013 by Gary Price
From OCLC: Powered by the WorldCat knowledge base, OCLC WorldShare Metadata Collection Manager delivers WorldCat MARC records for electronic materials automatically to libraries and ensures the metadata and access URLs for these collections are continually updated, significantly streamlining the processes of managing eResources. A number of libraries in North America have already worked with OCLC […]
February 18, 2013 by Gary Price
From a RLUK Announcement: RLUK has submitted evidence to the House of Commons Business, Innovation and Skills Committee into Open Access. The evidence gives support for the move towards stronger funder mandates and shorter embargoes. Access the submission (5 pages; PDF) here. We’ve also embedded a copy of the submission below. On a related note, […]
February 1, 2012 by Gary Price
Released today by RLUK (Research Libraries UK). From the RLUK Web Site: RLUK has published a major report by Mary Auckland on the changing needs of researchers and the effect on the subject/liaison role within libraries. As research activities evolve, research support must evolve with them. RLUK has been keen to determine what the new […]
January 22, 2012 by Gary Price
From a RLUK Post: The briefing outlines the latest evidence on increased impact for researchers in terms of visibility, usage and citation, together with a description of the benefits for the profile of institutions and the wider economic impact for society. We hope that research administrators and librarians will use the briefing to support the […]
October 24, 2011 by Gary Price
Direct to New Blog: Unique and Distinctive Collections: A Research Libraries UK Project From the RLUK Web Site: This project aims to maximise the potential of unique and distinctive collections (UDCs) in RLUK libraries. Traditionally known as special collections, UDCs are common and prominent features of large research libraries and have helped define their identities […]
September 16, 2011 by Gary Price
Cool job title! Interesting idea. From RLUK: RLUK has appointed Alison Cullingford, Special Collections Librarian at the University of Bradford, to the position of Unique and Distinctive Collections Project Manager. The aim of this specialised part-time role is to help maximise the potential of unique and distinctive collections (UDCs) in all formats held by RLUK […]
August 3, 2011 by Gary Price
From Ars Technica: The British government today pledged (PDF) to enact significant changes to copyright law, including orphan works reforms and the introduction of new copyright exceptions. And the tone of the comments was surprising: the government agrees that “copyright currently over-regulates to the detriment of the UK.” CD (and perhaps DVD) ripping for personal […]
July 12, 2011 by Gary Price
From a JISC Announcement: Unlocking the descriptive information or metadata about digital content, articles, books and research is the key to making it more useful, according to the JISC-funded resource discovery taskforce as it embarks on a new programme of work. If all UK metadata was made openly accessible, the taskforce says, then the resources […]
June 30, 2011 by Gary Price
From an OCLC Announcement: OCLC Research and Research Libraries UK are working together on a project to gather data on special collections in research libraries in the UK and Ireland. The project is similar to a project conducted by OCLC Research in 2009 that gathered data on special collections in the United States and Canada. […]
March 24, 2011 by Gary Price
From a Post by Catherine Gray: This jointly commissioned RIN and RLUK report presents the findings of a systematic study of the value of the services that libraries in the UK provide to researchers, and of the contributions that libraries from a wide range of institutions make to institutional research performance. The aim was to identify […]