Video: Lecture: "Wikipedia, WikiLeaks and Wiccans: Historical Accuracy Online"
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|From Vanderbilt University News: Watch video of John Seigenthaler, a nationally recognized advocate for the First Amendment also known for his criticism of Internet vandals who post false information on user-created sites like Wikipedia, speaking Oct. 21 at Vanderbilt’s Central Library. Seigenthaler is the founder of the First Amendment Center, former president of the American […]
From a NYPL Blog Post by Bob Kosovsky, Library for the Performing Arts, Music Division: On October 22, “Wikipedia! The Musical!” was staged at The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts. Despite its whimsical name, it was not really a musical but an editathon — a chance to edit Wikipedia with a group of […]
From the W|A Blog: We’ve blogged before about Wolfram|Alpha’s powerful relocation calculator, which has turned out to be one of our more popular—and practical—features. Our last round of enhancements added information about broad topics like population, home sale prices, unemployment rates, and more; now we’ve added more detail to the core cost-of-living categories, so you […]
From the AP (via Sydney Morning Herald): Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia that is written entirely by volunteers and allows anyone to edit its entries, is losing contributors, its founder complained Thursday. Speaking with The Associated Press on the sidelines of the website’s annual conference, Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales said the nonprofit company that runs the […]