From the Open Knowledge Foundation Blog: Europeana has recently released a new version of its Linked Data Pilot, We now publish data for 2.4 million objects under an open metadata licence: CC0, the Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication.[Clip] After several months we have thus released a second version of Though still a pilot, […]
Direct to Europeana on Pintrest See Also: Pinterest for GLAMs: Europeana’s Experiment (via Europeana Blog) At Europeana HQ we have already been testing the waters for a while now with a wide variety of Public Domain content from all over Europe. We have chosen to test ride a number of themes to get the hang […]
Announcing DM2E (Digitised Manuscripts to Europena): Exploring the Possibilities of Linked Open Data in Cultural heritage
Archives and Special Collections, Data Files, Libraries, News
|From the Open Knowledge Foundation Blog: The Open Knowledge Foundation is delighted to announce that it will be leading the community work for a three-year EU funded project entitled Digitised Manuscripts to Europena (DM2E). The project consortium, which includes academic institutions, NGOs and commercial partners, will be led by Professor Stefan Gradmann at the Humboldt […]
What is Linked Open Data? Europeana Launches Linked Open Data Pilot and Animation
Data Files, Libraries, National Libraries, Patrons and Users, Publishing, Reports, Resources
|via LIBER: Linked Open Data is gaining traction in the information world right now. Europeana has just launched an animation to explain what it is and why it’s a good thing, both for users and for data providers. Europeana is facilitating developments in Linked Open Data by publishing data for 2.4 million objects for the […]
From the Europeana Blog: The development department at Europeana have been working hard on a new interactive search and display feature that enables you to locate and preview search results on a map. The map is automatically populated with the first 1,000 results from a search query and distributes them on a multi-layered map (OpenStreetMap, […]
From LIBER: A group of 17 European partner institutions have joined forces in the “European Newspapers” project and will, over the next 3 years, provide more than 10 million newspaper pages to the EUROPEANA service. The European Newspapers project (funded under EC’s CIP 2007 – 2013) aims at the aggregation and refinement of newspapers for The […]
Direct to Video Slideshow (via YouTube) The European Library is the library domain aggregator for Europeana and, in this role, supports data providers from the library domain across Europe. The Europeana Library gathers bibliographic records and metadata to digital objects: this video features the workflow between libraries, The European Library and Europeana. The video runs […]
Via Europeana: A new report, Culture on the Go, from UK web-watchers CIBER Research, shows how access to information is changing as people search for, read and use information on the move. A growing proportion of web browsing happens on smartphones like the new Mac iPhone 4S and tablets like the iPad, and no longer […]
From the Europeana Web Site: We are excited to announce the launch of our first ever virtual exhibition based on user-generated content. “Wiki Loves Art Nouveau” is an online exhibition made up of 50 images taken by WikiCommons members, representing some of Europe’s best examples of Art Nouveau architecture. With over 165,000 entries in the Wiki […]
Congrats and kudos to the Europeana team! From the Europeana eNewsletter: This October, Europeana’s content reached 20 million items, increasing the content ten-fold since its initial launch in 2008. The 20 millionth item is a painting of the Biblical story of David and Goliath painted by the celebrated Caravaggio in 1600-1601. Caravaggio worked predominantly on […]