Web Resource Collection: "Financial Literacy: A Primer for Librarians, Educators, and Researchers"
|Direct to Complete Article Title Financial Literacy: A Primer for Librarians, Educators, and Researchers Authors Stephanie P. Livengood University of Akron, Wayne College Kathryn L. Venditti Ashland College Source C&RL News (February 2012; 73.2) From the Introduction This collection of Internet resources is organized by audience in the higher education community. Sources were selected using […]
This media guide (77 pages; PDF) focuses on the actual NBC television broadcast of the game this Sunday. The guide includes: 1. Super Bowl TV Ratings History 2. Detailed look at Super Bowl Broadcasts on NBC 3. Super Bowl XLVI by the Numbers 4. Camera Placement Map 5. History of Super Bowl Halftime Shows 6. […]
From the Global Think Tank Directory Homepage: [This directory] lists think tanks devoted to a wide range of public policy issues. Over 6500 institutions are represented, listed by region and country. Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program was initiated in part because there was no single source of information on think tanks. National, regional and […]
Two Drafts Published by the W3C HTML Data Task Force Look at Microformats, RDFa, Dublin Core, and More
Companies (Publishers/Vendors), Data Files, Publishing, Resources
|From the W3C Web Site: The HTML Data Task Force of the Semantic Web Interest Group has published two documents today: The HTML Data Guide aims to help publishers and consumers of HTML data. With several syntaxes (microformats, microdata, RDFa) and vocabularies (, Dublin Core, microformat vocabularies, etc.) to choose from, it provides guidance on […]
From the U.S. Census Bureau: The first Guide to State and Local Census Geography (1990 CPH-I-18) was issued in June 1993 as a joint venture between the US Census Bureau and the Association of Public Data Users (APDU). The book contained an overview of census geography and had information about key geographic concepts for each […]
State Guides & Manuals Search The State Guides & Manuals Search links to online publications created by State agencies to describe their services and provide guidance on child welfare-related topics to both professional and personal audiences. The most common types of publications include policy or procedure manuals, administrative rules, licensing standards, handbooks for families involved […]
From the Publication Announcement: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Energy (DOE) are releasing the 2012 Fuel Economy Guide, providing consumers with information that can help them choose a more efficient new vehicle that saves them money and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. While fuel efficient vehicles come in a variety of […]
Finding E-books: A Guide Created by Created by J. Cheyenne Hohman, University of Kentucky* * 2011 Alternative Spring Break Internship Participant From the Guide: This guide is an introduction to e-books: what they are, how to use them, and where to find them, at the Library of Congress and elsewhere online. An e-book (also referred […]
Author Guidelines and Editorial Style (PDF) The comprehensive NIJ Style Guide serves as a resource for NIJ content providers across all media. NIJ publications adhere to The Associated Press Stylebook, with exceptions noted in this manual. Web-based and digital content require additional editorial considerations. This guide outlines editorial standards for the following: Print Documents Notes […]
UNESCO's Global Open Access Portal Now Online
Associations and Organizations, Funding, News, Open Access, Publishing, Reports, Resources
|From the News Release: The Global Open Access Portal (GOAP) presents a snapshot of the status of Open Access (OA) to scientific information around the world. For countries that have been more successful in implementing Open Access, the portal highlights critical success factors and aspects of the enabling environment. For countries and regions that are […]