Report: “OpenAIRE Graph: Steadily Riding the Wild Wave of Open Science”
From OpenAire:
Having the vision to create and deliver an open, up-to-date, and global “map of science” across disciplines and countries, from December 2019 onwards, we started providing the OpenAIRE Graph (until recently called the OpenAIRE Research Graph), one of the largest and most heterogeneous collections of scholarly metadata for research products (e.g., articles, datasets, software), other research entities (e.g., projects, institutions, communities), and the links between them. This initiative culminates over ten years of work by OpenAIRE in the domain of scholarly communication to facilitate and advocate for the free flow and sharing of research products and related metadata across researchers, communities, institutions, companies, and policymakers. As a result of this community-driven and technological effort, today, our Graph aggregates and interlinks hundreds of millions of metadata records from tens of thousands of data sources trusted by scientists.
The Graph is being updated bi-weekly and its contents are available for download and re-use as CC-BY via an API, while an open snapshot is released every six months on In addition, the principles, data, and vision of the Graph are community-governed: OpenAIRE AMKE that implements and delivers the Graph, is a non-profit legal entity connecting 49 members that represent research and academic organisations who are committed to Open Science and steer activities in their countries (read our Strategy 2023-2025). OpenAIRE AMKE’s participatory governance structure ensures the Graph’s endorsement, adoption, operation, and sustainability among its members, countries, and research communities. Finally, the underlying infrastructure has recently adhered to the POSI principles.
The Graph APIs count today 500Mi+ accesses per year via OpenAIRE portals and as third-party services requests. Elsevier’s Scopus and SciVal rely on the APIs, as well as European and worldwide institutional repositories, European Commission (EC’s Participants Portal SYGMA), ORCID, other funders around the globe, researchers, companies, and scholarly services. Furthermore, the Graph will be a key EOSC resource by providing the EOSC with: (i) a catalogue of all research products, core in fostering Open Science and establishing its practices in the daily research activities, and (ii) Open Science monitoring tools, to measure trends and impact of Open Science and funding across communities and Nations. Conceived as a public and transparent good, populated out of data sources trusted by scientists, the Graph aims at bringing discovery, monitoring, and assessment of science back into the hands of the scientific community.
Learn More, Read the Complete Post (Including Section, “Planning For the Future”) and Video
Filed under: Data Files, Funding, News, Open Access, Reports

About Gary Price
Gary Price ( is a librarian, writer, consultant, and frequent conference speaker based in the Washington D.C. metro area. He earned his MLIS degree from Wayne State University in Detroit. Price has won several awards including the SLA Innovations in Technology Award and Alumnus of the Year from the Wayne St. University Library and Information Science Program. From 2006-2009 he was Director of Online Information Services at