National Science Foundation Releases 2019 “Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering”
From NSF:
The National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) has released its 2019 Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering (WMPD) report, which provides detailed information about participation levels in science and engineering (S&E) education and employment.
NCSES, a statistical agency within NSF, produces the report every two years. WMPD focuses on women, persons with disabilities and minorities from three racial and ethnic groups — black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, and American Indian or Alaska Native. With few exceptions, these groups are underrepresented in S&E fields and occupations, meaning that their representation is smaller in S&E than in the U.S. population.
This year’s report indicates that, while these groups have generally increased their representation in S&E, they continue to be underrepresented in most fields.
The report offers statistics and analysis in four topic areas: enrollment, field of degree, employment status and occupation.
Some findings from the report:
- The largest proportion of enrollment in private for-profit institutions is by students who are black or African American, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, or more than one race.
- The largest proportion of enrollees in public institutions are Asian, Hispanic or Latino, and American Indian or Alaska Native students. The largest proportion of enrollees in private nonprofit institutions are students who are white or more than one race.
- In 2016, women continued to hold a majority of the degrees in psychology (75 percent) and biological sciences (more than 50 percent) at all degree levels. In the social science fields, women earned nearly half or more than half of all degrees in 2016 except in economics.
- Over the past two decades, the share of women receiving bachelor’s degrees in mathematics and statistics has declined.
- Despite an increase in the number of women receiving computer science degrees over the past two decades, computer sciences has one of the lowest shares of women degree recipients among the broad fields of S&E.
- Over the past two decades, blacks or African Americans have increased shares of bachelor’s degrees in psychology, social sciences and biological sciences. However, the share of bachelor’s degrees in mathematics and statistics earned by blacks or African Americans declined.
- About 10 percent of employed scientists and engineers report one or more disabilities: that is, difficulties in hearing, vision, cognitive ability, ambulatory, self-care, or independent living.
- Salaries of scientists and engineers vary across racial and ethnic groups and across occupations. Asian scientists and engineers had the highest median salary in S&E occupations ($100,000), while underrepresented minorities in S&E occupations had a median salary of $78,000.
Filed under: Data Files, News
About Gary Price
Gary Price ( is a librarian, writer, consultant, and frequent conference speaker based in the Washington D.C. metro area. He earned his MLIS degree from Wayne State University in Detroit. Price has won several awards including the SLA Innovations in Technology Award and Alumnus of the Year from the Wayne St. University Library and Information Science Program. From 2006-2009 he was Director of Online Information Services at