London School of Economics (LSE) Press Launches Today, Based in LSE Library this OA Press Will Focus on Social Science Material
From the LSE Press Website:
LSE Press is a platform for high quality, open access research in the social sciences. Our mission is to support the launch and development of innovative, open access, academic-led publications. Based in the Library of the London School of Economics, LSE Press is open to publishing proposals that reflect the reputation of LSE as a global and trusted source of excellent research.
From the LSE Impact Blog:
LSE Press will provide a platform for high-quality research in the social sciences, and – in line with LSE’s aim to lead in international, interdisciplinary, issue-oriented social science – will support the launch and development of academic-led publications that are innovative in their format, content, and reach. The Press platform is provided in partnership with Ubiquity Press.
LSE Press is just the latest in a succession of new university press initiatives. UCL Press, the UK’s first fully open access university press, has published a strong programme of monographs and edited collections since starting in 2015, and earlier this year announced plans to launch its own megajournal. Others, such as the University of Huddersfield Press, established in 2010, have been publishing a little longer, while more recently launched examples include Goldsmiths Press and White Rose University Press, a cooperative endeavour run jointly by the Universities of Leeds, Sheffield and York. The progress of this “new wave” of university presses and library publishing ventures was charted by Janneke Adema and Graham Stone in last year’s Jisc report, “Changing publishing ecologies: A landscape study of new university presses and academic-led publishing”. What many of these new presses have in common is that they are open access, library-based, and “often offer a smaller set of services than a traditional publisher, blurring the line between publisher and platform”.
Read the Complete Blog Post
Direct to LSE Press Website
Direct to LSE Library Website
Filed under: Libraries, News, Open Access, Publishing
About Gary Price
Gary Price ( is a librarian, writer, consultant, and frequent conference speaker based in the Washington D.C. metro area. He earned his MLIS degree from Wayne State University in Detroit. Price has won several awards including the SLA Innovations in Technology Award and Alumnus of the Year from the Wayne St. University Library and Information Science Program. From 2006-2009 he was Director of Online Information Services at