ALA’s Committee on Accreditation (COA) Announces Decisions and Actions Made at Midwinter 2018 Meeting
From the American Library Association:
The May 2017 policy revision to section I.15 (Accreditation decisions) of Accreditation Process, Policies, and Procedures (AP3) has been implemented to enhance public disclosure and goes into effect with the 2018 accreditation decisions. The policy states that “any standard on which a program has follow-up reporting is made public by the Office for Accreditation as a part of the usual means (e.g., press release, Accreditation Decisions and Actions Taken reports, and Prism).”
Continued Accreditation status was granted to the following programs, with the next comprehensive review visit scheduled to take place in fall 2024:
- Master of Science in Library and Information Science at Drexel University. Standards cited for follow-up reporting: II.1, II.2.1, II.3, III.10, IV.1, IV.4, IV.5, IV.5.1 through IV.5.6, V.3.
- Master of Science in Library and Information Science at Simmons College. Standard cited for follow-up reporting: V.3.
- Master of Library and Information Science at St. Catherine University. No Standards cited for follow-up reporting.
- Master of Library and Information Science at the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee. Standards cited for follow-up reporting: I.1.4, I.5, III.1, IV.1, V.3, and V.7.
A bit more from the Accreditation Decisions and Actions Taken Report:
- Approved External Review Panels (ERP) for spring 2019 comprehensive review visits to Chicago State University; Indiana University, Bloomington; Indiana University – Purdue University, Indianapolis; Louisiana State University; University of Southern Mississippi.
- Approved ERP chairs for fall 2019 comprehensive review visits to University at Albany, State University of New York; University of Arizona; Dalhousie University; and Florida State University
ALA accreditation indicates that the program has undergone a self-evaluation process, has been externally reviewed and meets the Standards for Accreditation of Master’s Programs in Library and Information Studies, established by COA and adopted by ALA Council. COA evaluates each program for conformity to the Standards, which address systematic planning; curriculum; faculty; students; administration, finances, and resources.
Filed under: Associations and Organizations, Libraries, News, Reports

About Gary Price
Gary Price ( is a librarian, writer, consultant, and frequent conference speaker based in the Washington D.C. metro area. He earned his MLIS degree from Wayne State University in Detroit. Price has won several awards including the SLA Innovations in Technology Award and Alumnus of the Year from the Wayne St. University Library and Information Science Program. From 2006-2009 he was Director of Online Information Services at