ATLA (American Theological Library Association) Publications Moving to Open Access
From ATLA:
The American Theological Library Association (ATLA) is moving the Theology Cataloging Bulletin (TCB) and the ATLA Summary of Proceedings, two valued and frequently consulted resources of the ATLA membership and others, to open access.
For more than 25 years, TCB has provided readers with information about new and changed Library of Congress subject headings and classification numbers as well as announcements of upcoming training opportunities, a bibliography of recently published articles, and other stories of interest to religion/theology catalogers.
The Proceedings is the historical record of ATLA’s annual conference. It includes summaries of pre-conference professional development workshops; reports of business meetings, interest group meetings, denominational sessions, and conversation groups; and the full text or abstracts of plenary sessions, papers, posters, and workshops presented during the conference. Readers of the Proceedings learn about the rich and varied interests of ATLA members and of the work being done in the field of theological librarianship.Over the past year, organizationally TCB and the Proceedings were brought together with other member-driven ATLA publications, including the Theological Librarianship journal and the open access monographs press under the ATLA Publishing Program. This program was launched to bring together ATLA’s various publishing efforts under one structure to take advantage of technological infrastructure, collaborate marketing efforts, and to grow the publishing program and better represent ATLA members’ scholarly output for the benefit of our members and others.
Since launching this program, we evaluated the publishing platform and policies of TCB and the Proceedings. After careful consideration, including consultation with the ATLA Press Coordinating Council and with the full support and guidance of the current editors in chief of TCB and the Proceedings, we have decided to make these publications open access.
With the shift to open access and to OJS, the publication schedule of TCB will adjust to more closely align with the Library of Congress notifications. We will also be changing the options available for members to receive a print copy of the Proceedings. Details on these changes will be forthcoming and described in detail in the ATLA Newsletter, on the ATLA website, and included with your membership renewal information.
Read the Complete Announcement
Filed under: Conference Presentations, Journal Articles, Libraries, News, Open Access, Publishing, Reports

About Gary Price
Gary Price ( is a librarian, writer, consultant, and frequent conference speaker based in the Washington D.C. metro area. He earned his MLIS degree from Wayne State University in Detroit. Price has won several awards including the SLA Innovations in Technology Award and Alumnus of the Year from the Wayne St. University Library and Information Science Program. From 2006-2009 he was Director of Online Information Services at