ORCID Releases Findings From 2017 Community Survey
From an ORCID Blog Post by Alice Meadows:
In 2015, we carried out our first community survey, to learn more about you, our members and users, including why and how you were interacting with ORCID.
Two years on, our 2017 community survey covered much of the same ground and added some new questions. And we also carried out our first consortia survey this year, to find out more about the needs and expectations of our consortium lead organizations.
Today’s post focuses on what we learned from our community survey.
[Clip]What did we learn?
- Discovery: Organizational membership, system integrations, and advocacy are the main drivers of ORCID awareness and adoption across all career levels, regions, and disciplines
- Awareness: Compared with 2015, there is increased awareness of key messages related to ORCID and ORCID iDs, especially among respondents who don’t have an iD (up to 50% higher in some cases)
- Reasons for registering: Over half (54.6%) of respondents did so because their publisher (544), funder (227), or institution (233) required an iD. Other key reasons were to link all their publications under a common identifier, and to make it easier for readers to find their work (ranked 3.5/4 and 3.46/4 respectively)
- ORCID usage: More respondents are adding data to their ORCID record across all categories than in 2015, with education (16.9% increase) and works (10.6%) showing most growth. Only 10.3% of respondents in 2017 indicated that they do not use their ORCID iD, compared with 25.6% in 2015. Use of ORCID in publications workflows remains the most common use case
- Updating ORCID records: 40% of respondents use Crossref and/or DataCite auto-update, and 66% of respondents have manually populated at least some items on their ORCID records
- ORCID mandates: 85.9% of respondents now agree or strongly agree that requiring the use of ORCID iDs is beneficial to the global research community, compared with 72.2% of 2015 respondents
- ORCID help: The ORCID website is the top source of help for nearly half of all respondents (47.3%), followed by the support team (30.5%).
- Brand attributes: In 2017, 83.1% of respondents “strongly agreed” or “agreed” that ORCID is essential, compared with 48.8% in 2015. The top five attributes associated with ORCID are ‘open’, ‘global’, ‘efficient’, ‘easy to work with’, and ‘essential’ – similar to 2015, but with a notable increase for ‘efficient’ and ‘essential’
- Net Promoter Score: 35.3 (55.6% of all respondents were Promoters, 24.1% were Passive, and 20.3% Detractors, n= 1,563)
Read the Complete Blog Post
Direct to Full Text Report (44 pages; PDF)
Direct to 2017 Community Survey Dataset
Filed under: Associations and Organizations, Data Files, News, Patrons and Users, Publishing
About Gary Price
Gary Price (gprice@gmail.com) is a librarian, writer, consultant, and frequent conference speaker based in the Washington D.C. metro area. He earned his MLIS degree from Wayne State University in Detroit. Price has won several awards including the SLA Innovations in Technology Award and Alumnus of the Year from the Wayne St. University Library and Information Science Program. From 2006-2009 he was Director of Online Information Services at Ask.com.