NSF Awards $17.7 Million in Funding for 12 Transdisciplinary Research in Principles of Data Science (TRIPODS) Projects
From the National Science Foundation:
The National Science Foundation (NSF) today announced $17.7 million in funding for 12 Transdisciplinary Research in Principles of Data Science (TRIPODS) projects, which will bring together the statistics, mathematics and theoretical computer science communities to develop the foundations of data science. Conducted at 14 institutions in 11 states, these projects will promote long-term research and training activities in data science that transcend disciplinary boundaries.
“Data is accelerating the pace of scientific discovery and innovation,” said Jim Kurose, NSF assistant director for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE). “These new TRIPODS projects will help build the theoretical foundations of data science that will enable continued data-driven discovery and breakthroughs across all fields of science and engineering.”
The TRIPODS awards will enable data-driven discovery through major investments in state-of-the-art mathematical and statistical tools, better data mining and machine learning approaches, enhanced visualization capabilities and more. These awards will build upon NSF’s long history of investments in foundational research, contributing key advances to the emerging data science discipline, and supporting researchers to develop innovative educational pathways to train the next generation of data scientists.
The TRIPODS Phase I awards announced today will support the development of small collaborative institutes. A future TRIPODS Phase II is planned to support a smaller number of larger institutes. Phase II will select awardees through a second competitive proposal process from among the Phase I institutes, as well as any new collaborative partners Phase I awardees bring on board.
The award titles, principal investigators and institutions for the TRIPODS Phase I projects are listed below:
- UA-TRIPODS: Building Theoretical Foundations for Data Sciences: Hao Zhang, University of Arizona
- Foundations of Model Driven Discovery from Massive Data: Jeffery Brock, Brown University (Convergence and EPSCoR co-funding)
- Berkeley Institute on the Foundations of Data Analysis: Michael Mahoney, University of California, Berkeley
- TRIPODS: Towards a Unified Theory of Structure, Incompleteness and Uncertainty in Heterogeneous Graphs: Lise Getoor, University of California, Santa Cruz
- From Foundations to Practice of Data Science and Back: John Wright, Columbia University
- TRIPODS: Data Science for Improved Decision-Making: Learning in the Context of Uncertainty, Causality, Privacy, and Network Structures: Kilian Weinberger, Cornell University (Convergence co-funding)
- Transdisciplinary Research Institute for Advancing Data Science (TRIAD): Xiaoming Huo, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Collaborative Research: TRIPODS Institute for Optimization and Learning: Katya Scheinberg, Lehigh University; Han Liu, Northwestern University; Francesco Orabona, State University of New York at Stony Brook
- Institute for Foundations of Data Science (IFDS): Piotr Indyk, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Topology, Geometry, and Data Analysis (TGDA@OSU): Discovering Structure, Shape, and Dynamics in Data: Tamal Dey, The Ohio State University
- Algorithms for Data Science: Complexity, Scalability, and Robustness: Sham Kakade, University of Washington
- Institute for Foundations of Data Science: Stephen Wright, University of Wisconsin-Madison (Convergence co-funding
Additional Information in the Complete NSF Announcement
More NSF Funding Announced Today: NSF Issues First Convergence Awards, Addressing Societal Challenges Through Scientific Collaboration
Filed under: Awards, Data Files, Funding, News
About Gary Price
Gary Price (gprice@gmail.com) is a librarian, writer, consultant, and frequent conference speaker based in the Washington D.C. metro area. He earned his MLIS degree from Wayne State University in Detroit. Price has won several awards including the SLA Innovations in Technology Award and Alumnus of the Year from the Wayne St. University Library and Information Science Program. From 2006-2009 he was Director of Online Information Services at Ask.com.