Open Access: Presentations From the Final PASTEUR4OA Conference Now Available Online
The EU-based PASTEUR4OA project held their final conference last week in Amsterdam. Presentations from the conference are now available online.
Background From the Project’s Web Site
PASTEUR4OA supports the aim of encouraging the development of matching policies on Open Access and Open Data in the European Union, according to the European Commission’s recent Recommendation on “Access to and preservation of scientific information” (July 2012) and in view of maximizing alignment with the Horizon 2020 policy on access to the research funded by the Commission.
The project helps develop and/or reinforce Open Access strategies and policies at the national level and facilitate their coordination among all Member States. It will build a network of centres of expertise in Member States that will develop a coordinated and collaborative programme of activities in support of policymaking at the national level under the direction of project partners.
The project builds on an already existing project, Mediterranean Open Access Network (MedOANet – capitalizing on its work and an already established network within Mediterranean Europe. Further, it will take advantage of the experience and extensive networks of organizations such as EOS (Enabling Open Scholarship), JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee), SparcEUROPE, LIBER (Association of European Research Libraries), EIFL, as well as prominent funding organizations that participate in the consortium, to secure a European-wide engagement of bodies of authority of the Member States with the project’s aims and extend its impact beyond Member States
From the Conference Web Site
The conference comes at a time of high interest in open access, and as its many benefits are now being widely recognised. These include more equal access to information, increased visibility for authors and an accelerated pace of research and discovery, leading to broad societal and economic advantages.
Within this context, the PASTEUR4OA project has been working to develop and reinforce OA strategies across Europe, to engage policy makers and to establish a network (Knowledge Net) aimed at promoting OA alignment across multiple countries.
Direct to Conference Program (Live Version)
We’re also embedded the program with presentations (as of May 24, 2016). Make sure to check the live version for missing presentations.
Conference Day 1 – 17th May 2016
09:00 Welcome
- Victoria Tsoukala, National Documentation Centre (EKT) / Coordinating Person, PASTEUR4OA
- Ron Dekker, Director, Institutes, Finance and Infrastructure, NWO Presentation
- Gerard Meijer, President, Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands
PASTEUR4OA: Outcomes & Achievements
- Victoria Tsoukala, National Documentation Centre (EKT) / Coordinating Person, PASTEUR4OA Presentation
- Alma Swan, Convenor, Enabling Open Scholarship Presentation
10:30 Coffee 11:00 Current Activity in Developing Open Access Policies
- Meta Dobnikar, Head of Science Unit, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of Slovenia Presentation
- Eric Laureys, Science Policy Officer, BELSPO Presentation
- Kevin Ellul, Director of Library Services, University of Malta Presentation
- Beate Eellend, Programme Manager, Royal Library of Sweden Presentation
Moderator: Iryna Kuchma, Open Access Programme Manager, EIFL12:30 Lunch 13:30 The Funders’ View
- Rūta Petrauskaitė, Vice-Chair, Research Council of Lithuania Presentation
- Jean Francois Dechamp, Policy Officer in the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, European Commission Presentation
- Neil Jacobs, Head of Scholarly Communications Support, Jisc Presentation
- João Nuno Ferreira, General Manager, Foundation for National Scientific Computing Presentation
- Patrick Danowski, IST Austria, Library Manager Presentation
Moderator: Pablo de Castro, Open Access Project Officer, LIBER14:55 Coffee 15:25 Monitoring Open Access
- Stephen Curry, Professor of Structural Biology, Imperial College London Presentation
- Mikael Karstensen Elbæk, Senior Project Officer, Bibliometrics and Data Management, Technical University of Denmark Presentation
- Frank Manista, Senior Open Access Support Coordinator, Jisc Presentation
- Kim Huijpen, Policy Advisor, VSNU Presentation
Moderator: Neil Jacobs, Head of Scholarly Communications Support, Jisc, UK16:50 Closing Remarks
- Marina Angelaki, National Documentation Centre (EKT) / Project Officer, PASTEUR4OA
17:00 Reception Conference Day 2 – 18th May 2016
09:00 Welcome
- Marina Angelaki, National Documentation Centre (EKT) / Project Officer, PASTEUR4OA
- Jean-Pierre Finance, Permanent Delegate in Brussels, French Conference of University Presidents Presentation
What Next For Open Access Policy? (Part 1)
- Natalia Manola, Research Associate, University of Athens; Project Director, OpenAIRE Presentation
- Bill Hubbard, Deputy Head of Scholarly Communications Support, Jisc, UK; Director, Centre for Research Communications Presentation
- Rob Johnson, Founder and Director, Research Consulting Presentation
- Kristiina Hormia-Poutanen, President, LIBER; Director of Library Network Services, National Library of Finland Presentation
Moderator: Eloy Rodrigues, Director, University of Minho Documentation Services11:00 Coffee 11:30 What Next For Open Access Policy? (Part 2)
- Ben Johnson, Research Policy Advisor, HEFCE
- Bernard Rentier, Vice-president, Federal Council of Science Policy, Belgium
- Stephan Kuster, Head of Policy Affairs, Science Europe Presentation
Moderator: Alma Swan, Convenor, Enabling Open ScholarshipClosing Remarks
- Victoria Tsoukala, National Documentation Centre (EKT) / Coordinating Person, PASTEUR4OA
Filed under: Academic Libraries, Associations and Organizations, Data Files, Funding, Libraries, Management and Leadership, National Libraries, News, Open Access, Preservation, Scholarly Communications
About Gary Price
Gary Price ( is a librarian, writer, consultant, and frequent conference speaker based in the Washington D.C. metro area. He earned his MLIS degree from Wayne State University in Detroit. Price has won several awards including the SLA Innovations in Technology Award and Alumnus of the Year from the Wayne St. University Library and Information Science Program. From 2006-2009 he was Director of Online Information Services at