Coming This November: Barnes & Noble Will Host “Mini Maker-Faires” in Stores Nationwide
From B&N:
Barnes & Noble today announced a new partnership with Maker Media, publisher of Make: magazine and producer of Maker Faire, to launch the first-ever Mini Maker Faire in stores nationwide.
Barnes & Noble and Maker Media are “Calling All Makers” to participate at their local Barnes & Noble store the weekend of November 6-8 to share their inventions, ideas and more.
A Maker Faire is a community-based learning event that inspires everyone to become a Maker and connect with people and projects in their local community. These events are for people of all ages and backgrounds who have a desire to create, learn and share, and who bring a DIY mindset to technology.
The Mini Maker Faire will feature hands-on learning and making opportunities in the areas of ideation, creative thinking, art, design, construction and innovation, as well as programming, coding and 3D printing – with activities for children ages five and up to adults. For information, customers can visit, and Barnes & Noble and Maker Media will be announcing much more about the Mini Maker Faire in the coming weeks.
The Mini Maker Faire at Barnes & Noble will run throughout the weekend of November 6-8 and will consist of three main areas:
The Make Workspace – where customers will experience the latest technologies in 3D printing, robotics, coding, programming and more.
Meet the Makers – the place in store where customers will hear from leaders, top brands and local makers about the latest trends in designing, building, creating and making.
Make & Collaborate – where customers can immerse themselves in the process of ideation, rapid prototyping, circuitry and more.
Barnes & Noble and Maker Media will announce more exciting details over the coming weeks. Customers can visit regularly for the latest news.
Read the Complete News Release
Comment From infoDOCKET Founder/Editor, Gary Price:
I wonder if it’s too late for a local library with a makerspace to participate in this national event or, at least, promote what they have to offer to community members. When you read a portion of the news release (below) it sounds like what B&N plans to do is very similar to what public libraries are already doing. Can we work together?
Filed under: Libraries, News, Public Libraries, Publishing

About Gary Price
Gary Price ( is a librarian, writer, consultant, and frequent conference speaker based in the Washington D.C. metro area. He earned his MLIS degree from Wayne State University in Detroit. Price has won several awards including the SLA Innovations in Technology Award and Alumnus of the Year from the Wayne St. University Library and Information Science Program. From 2006-2009 he was Director of Online Information Services at