Altmetric Releases List of Top 100 Academic Papers of 2014 Based on Media Mentions, Tweets, Etc.
If you enjoy/find useful lists and rankings the annual waterfall of year-end lists is underway!
This list one uses Altmetric (the UK-based company) technology/methodology to rank the Top 100 academic papers of 2014.
Clicking a link below each article on the list provides expanded data about it including media mentions, tweets, Facebook posts, etc. Clicking the title itself takes you to the full text or to the journal paywall.
Direct to Altmetric 2014 Top 100
From the Altmetric Blog:
Based on data we’ve collated over the year, the list takes into account all mentions and shares of articles published from November 2013 onwards in mainstream and social media, blogs, post-publication peer-review forums, bookmarking sites and platforms such as Reddit and YouTube.
We’ve excluded editorial, comment and review content, as we wanted to focus specifically on original research. The data can be filtered by discipline, journal, institution, country, and access type – and you can click through to view the Altmetric details page will all of the original mentions and shares for each article.
The blog post continues with a geographic breakdown of the Top 100.
The 2014 Top 100 in summary
- The top scoring article (at the point of data collection on the 14th of November 2014), published in PNAS in June 2014, was “Experimental evidence of massive-scale emotional contagion through social networks”.
- 51 of the articles in the list have been published since the beginning of May this year (the others were published between November 2013 and the end of April 2014)
- 37 of the articles in the top 100 were published as open access (63 were published under the paywall/subscription model, although some have now been made free)
- 16 of the Top 100 were published in Nature, 11 in Science, 9 in PloS ONE, 8 in PNAS, and 4 in JAMA
- 68 of the Top 100 had authors from the United States, 19 had authors from the UK, 10 from Canada, 11 from Germany (the most in Europe), 4 from China, and 9 from South or Central America
- Top performing institutions include Harvard, Harvard Medical School, and Harvard School of Public Health – whose authors featured on 15 articles in total. Authors from institutions that are part of the University of California System featured on 10 articles. In the UK 3 articles featured authors from the University of Cambridge, and 3 from the University of Oxford.
Direct to Altmetric 2014 Top 100
The list can be sorted by journal, institution, category, country, and access type (paywall or open).
See Also: Altmetric 2013 Top 100
Note: Altmetric is part of Digital Science (a Macmillan company) and is one of several providers of altmetric data.
Filed under: Academic Libraries, Data Files, Journal Articles, Open Access, PLOS, School Libraries, Video Recordings

About Gary Price
Gary Price ( is a librarian, writer, consultant, and frequent conference speaker based in the Washington D.C. metro area. He earned his MLIS degree from Wayne State University in Detroit. Price has won several awards including the SLA Innovations in Technology Award and Alumnus of the Year from the Wayne St. University Library and Information Science Program. From 2006-2009 he was Director of Online Information Services at