Looking Good!!! Free Access to the Berg Fashion Library Database For the Next 10 Days
Nice!In honor of New York Fashion Week, Oxford University Press is offering free access to Berg Fashion Library database (published by Bloomsbury) though September 18, 2014.
To access and begin using the database simply head to BergFashionLibrary.com and login:
Login: gratisuser109
Password: onlineaccess109
If you are not familiar with the Berg Fashion Library, here’s a taste of what it contains:
- The Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion online – updated twice a year
- Online exclusive articles available only to subscribers
- E-Book collection: full text of c.70 Berg fashion e-books with regular updates
- An extensive colour image bank with thumbnails that link through to enhanced content. This includes 1,600 images from the V&A Museum’s internationally renowned fashion collection; NEW! 2,250 images from the Philadelphia Museum of Art (of a total of 2,500 to come); 500 images from the Bath Fashion Museum (of a total of 1,000 to come); 2,200 images from the Commercial Pattern Archive (CoPA) database; 2,000 images from the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute collection; 600 images from MoMu Fashion Museum, Belgium; 230 sample images from collections including the London College of Fashion and The Museum at FIT; and 2,000 images from the print encyclopedia
- Links to E-Journals: cross-searchable functionality with Bloomsbury fashion e-journals Fashion Theory, Fashion Practice, Textileand the new Journal of Textile Design Research and Practicefor mutual subscribers
- Links at article level to Oxford Art Online
- Classic and Modern Writings on Fashion: 67 seminal pieces on fashion, including classic and contemporary essays and primary sources
Here are a bunch of pull-quotes from various reviews of the Berg Fashion Library database.

About Gary Price
Gary Price (gprice@gmail.com) is a librarian, writer, consultant, and frequent conference speaker based in the Washington D.C. metro area. He earned his MLIS degree from Wayne State University in Detroit. Price has won several awards including the SLA Innovations in Technology Award and Alumnus of the Year from the Wayne St. University Library and Information Science Program. From 2006-2009 he was Director of Online Information Services at Ask.com.