CrossRef Formally Launches Text and Data Mining Services
Note: For background about today’s launch see infoDOCKET posts from May 1, 2014 and December 23, 2013.
From Today’s CrossRef Announcement:
CrossRef Text and Data Mining services, allowing publishers to provide information that will simplify access arrangements for researchers who desire to mine and analyze scholarly publisher sites, is now available to CrossRef Members.
Publishers participating in CrossRef Text and Data Mining services may now deposit full-text links in the metadata for their DOIs, as well as license URIs by which researchers can determine whether they have permission to mine a particular content item. Through CrossRef’s Application Programming Interface (API), researchers will then to be able to access the full-text, CrossRef DOI-identified content across participating publishers’ sites, regardless of their access models.
For all publishers, whether using open access or subscription business models, CrossRef Text and Data Mining services easily direct researchers to the appropriate location of the full text content and licenses for that content. In addition, publishers can add download rate limits to the information they provide to minimize any impact of text and data mining activities on web site performance.
The launch of CrossRef Text and Data Mining services follows a successful pilot. Charter participants include the following organizations:
- American Institute of Physics (AIP)
- American Physical Society (APS)
- Elsevier
- HighWire Press
- Hindawi
- Institute of Physics (IOP)
- Springer
- Taylor & Francis
- Walter de Gruyter
- Wiley
An optional part of CrossRef Text and Data Mining services will allow a publisher to provide a click-through agreement if that publisher requires the researcher to agree to supplementary license terms before accessing content for text and data mining. For publishers whose general licenses already include permission for text and data mining, the click-through service will not be necessary. CrossRef Text and Data Mining Services are provided at no cost to researchers, and at no cost to publishers during the first year of operation.
For Publishers
For Researchers
Direct to CrossRef Text and Data Mining Homepage
Includes info about upcoming webinar.
Filed under: Associations and Organizations, Companies (Publishers/Vendors), Data Files, Elsevier, News, Open Access, PLOS, Publishing

About Gary Price
Gary Price ( is a librarian, writer, consultant, and frequent conference speaker based in the Washington D.C. metro area. He earned his MLIS degree from Wayne State University in Detroit. Price has won several awards including the SLA Innovations in Technology Award and Alumnus of the Year from the Wayne St. University Library and Information Science Program. From 2006-2009 he was Director of Online Information Services at