A Donation By Google Provides 14 Vermont Libraries With Video Conferencing System
A new video conference system from the Vermont Department of Libraries is launching today. It’s being made possible by Google. The company donated $77,000 for the equipment and installation.
Video conferencing will now be available at 14 libraries (see list below) around the state.
From Vermont Business Magazine:
The Libraries will use video conferencing equipment to provide educational, recreational, cultural, business and health-related programming for Vermont citizens of all ages (e.g. access to required continuing education for professionals; programming from art museums, NASA, and other institutions).
· Individuals will use this to “meet” with healthcare professionals, participate in job interviews, and connect with special-interest groups from around the state, the nation or the globe.
· Businesses will use it to interview potential employees, provide continuing education for existing employees and access subject experts around the world to help solve business problems.
· Town Officials and Non-profits will use videoconferencing to “attend” conferences and workshops, “meet” with peers, network and gather information from experts and solve local problems.
Last year, Google donated 100 computers and software to Vermont libraries.
Vermont Libraries With New Video Conferencing System
· Goodrich Memorial Library, Newport
· Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston
· Centennial Library, Morrisville
· Bradford Public Library, Bradford
· Fletcher Free Library, Burlington
· Ilsley Public Library, Middlebury
· St. Albans Free Library, St. Albans
· Norman Williams Library, Woodstock
· Kellogg-Hubbard, Montpelier
· Martha Canfield Library, Arlington
· Cobleigh Public Library, Lyndonville
· Rutland Free Library, Rutland
· Brooks Memorial Library, Brattleboro
· Midstate Library Service Center, Berlin
UPDATE August 21, 2013: Report from Vermont Public Radio About New Video Conferencing Service (Audio)
State librarian Marty Reid said the videoconferencing is a continuation of the public libraries’ mission to provide free Internet and computer access. She sees potential uses ranging from school groups meeting with scientists to military families talking to loved ones stationed overseas.
“I think of the individuals,” she said. “When we started to select where we were going to put this equipment, one of the questions we asked is do you have a space that is private, that somebody could go in and close the door and do a distance job interview, for example, or a conference with a medical specialist.”
Filed under: Interviews, Libraries, News, Profiles, Public Libraries

About Gary Price
Gary Price (gprice@gmail.com) is a librarian, writer, consultant, and frequent conference speaker based in the Washington D.C. metro area. He earned his MLIS degree from Wayne State University in Detroit. Price has won several awards including the SLA Innovations in Technology Award and Alumnus of the Year from the Wayne St. University Library and Information Science Program. From 2006-2009 he was Director of Online Information Services at Ask.com.