Suzanne Thorin Named First Program Director of the Academic Preservation Trust
Suzanne Thorin was formerly the Dean of Libraries and University Librarian at Syracuse University. She left her position at the end of June 2013.
Thorin was also recently appointed by President Obama to National Museum and Library Services Board.
From the Academic Preservation Trust:
Suzanne is presently researching relationships among research libraries and their leadership in the broader academic community, so her new role will allow her to explore those relationships as she engages library leaders in APTrust.
Suzanne’s distinguished career in two major academic libraries and the Library of Congress makes her an ideal fit for what we are trying to achieve with APTrust. Thanks to Suzanne, Syracuse was an early partner as we were starting the organization. She is passionate about creating a sustainable environment for digital preservation and communicating its value to the broader community. Her extensive managerial experience, deep knowledge of the challenges facing research libraries, and belief in the vision for APTrust will energize and accelerate our plans to make APTrust a trusted preservation solution in which institutions will want to invest.
In addition to Syracuse, Suzanne was University Dean of Libraries at Indiana University, held numerous positions at the Library of Congress, and has taught at Syracuse University’s Information School and in the Simmons College doctoral program. She has been a researcher, writer, lecturer and consultant for library transformation and was appointed by President Obama to the National Board of the Institute for Museum and Library Services in 2012.
Suzanne will begin her role as the APTrust’s program director on August 19, 2013.
See Also: Interview: Syracuse University Dean of Libraries/University Librarian Suzanne Thorin on Her Accomplishments and Plans for the Future
Learn More About the Academic Preservation Trust (via APT Web Site)
The Academic Preservation Trust (APTrust) consortium is committed to the creation and management of a preservation repository that will aggregate academic and research content from many institutions. Solutions will be based on respected open source technologies that are scalable, sustainable, and provide audit functionality.
As part of a national strategy for long-term preservation, the APTrust repository will serve as a replicating node for the Digital Preservation Network (DPN).
At the local level, APTrust will provide a preservation environment for participating members, including disaster recovery services. By leveraging the expertise and resources of multiple institutions, APTrust will realize economies of scale and increase value for all members.
The Academic Preservation Trust Consists of the Following University Partners:
- Columbia University
- Syracuse University
- Duke University
- University of Maryland
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of Michigan
- North Carolina State University
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Stanford University
- University of Notre Dame
- University of Virginia
Other Collaborators
DuraSpace – collaboration on development of Fedora, DuraCloud, and CloudSync
Filed under: Academic Libraries, Digital Preservation, Interviews, Jobs, Libraries, Management and Leadership, News, Open Access, Preservation, Profiles
About Gary Price
Gary Price ( is a librarian, writer, consultant, and frequent conference speaker based in the Washington D.C. metro area. He earned his MLIS degree from Wayne State University in Detroit. Price has won several awards including the SLA Innovations in Technology Award and Alumnus of the Year from the Wayne St. University Library and Information Science Program. From 2006-2009 he was Director of Online Information Services at