IFLA WLIC 2013 Paper: “Who is Looking After Your e-Journals? Telling Tales About The Keepers Registry & Your Digital Shelves”
We’re continuing to share a selection of papers to be presented at the upcoming IFLA World Library and Information Congress taking place next month in Singapore.
The following paper is our third selection. Our first two selected WLIC 2013 papers are linked at the bottom of this post.
Today’s Selection
Peter Burnhill
EDINA, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
Françoise Pelle
ISSN International Centre
Paris, France
IFLA Library
The key task for research libraries is to ensure access to the scholarly and cultural record.
A significant and growing proportion of that is in digital format and much is found on the Web – and not on the shelves of libraries. This raises important questions about the archival responsibility of libraries and publishers. Our purpose is to report on the current situation of e-journal preservation, on what is being archived and what is at risk of loss. We also indicate strategies that can be considered to meet an international challenge that requires recognition of mutual inter-dependence across the globe. The literature that is consulted and required by researchers in one country will often have been written and published in another country.
The first (and easiest) priority for research libraries is to focus on e-journals and take prompt and strategic action, both to avoid loss in the short term and to establish means to assess progress towards the (achievable) goal of ensuring that there is complete and effective e-preservation plans for all of our e-journal content. This is assisted by The Keepers Registry, http://thekeepers.org, which provides a lens onto the extent of e-journal archiving as the leading archiving agencies report what they have ingested. The sustainability of archiving activity, and the means to monitor that activity, is of major strategic importance.
A related priority is to tackle the variety of ‘serial issues’ that can improve the effectiveness of archiving and monitoring. These include identification (e.g. ISSN and ISSN-L) of all types of continuing resources, particularly journals but also ongoing ‘integrating resources’ such as databases and Web sites; the consistent naming and identification of publishers (e.g. ISNI); and the continuing need for a universal holdings statement for assurance that each and every volume and issue has been successfully archived.
Direct to Full Text Paper (12 pages; PDF)
Direct to The Keepers Registry
Previous WLIC 2013 Conference Paper Selections
Filed under: Academic Libraries, Associations and Organizations, Companies (Publishers/Vendors), Journal Articles, Libraries, News, Preservation, Reports
About Gary Price
Gary Price (gprice@gmail.com) is a librarian, writer, consultant, and frequent conference speaker based in the Washington D.C. metro area. He earned his MLIS degree from Wayne State University in Detroit. Price has won several awards including the SLA Innovations in Technology Award and Alumnus of the Year from the Wayne St. University Library and Information Science Program. From 2006-2009 he was Director of Online Information Services at Ask.com.