Presentations and Posters from the Texas Conference on Digital Libraries
The Texas Conference on Digital Libraries (TCDL) took place May 7, 2013 – May 8, 2013 in Austin and many presentations and posters from the event are now available online.
Materials Currently Available
- 17 Presentations
- Slides From 5 Panels
- 22 Posters
- Material from one workshop and keynote
All of the material can be accessed and downloaded from this page.
Here’s a Small Sample of What’s Available
- Visualizing metadata by Violeta Ilik
- The Digital Preservation Network at UT Austin by Chris Jordan
- Determining and Mapping Locations of Study in Scholarly Documents: A Spatial Representation and Visualization Tool for Information Discovery by James Creel, Katherine Weimer
- From Mishmash to MeSH: Subject Headings Changes for a Collection by Cameron J Kainerstorfer, Heather Perkins
- Extreme Makeover: Digital Library Edition by Melanie Cofield
- How Digital Libraries Can Create a Culture of Open Access on Campus. Panelists: Spencer D. C. Keralis, Kris Helge, Laura Waugh, Shannon Stark, Anjum Najm
- Uncovering the Mysteries of Metadata Harvesting: Optimizing Digital Library Content for Summon Discovery Tool Access by Kelsey Renee Brett, Santi Thompson
- Collection Development for an Institutional Repository through Collaborations between Departments by Wilhelmina Randtke, Brian Detweiler
- When Too Many Cooks Do NOT Spoil the Broth: Selecting and Implementing a New Web Scale Discovery Tool for a Large University Library by Jane Fleming, April Kessler, Jade A. Diaz, Colleen Lyon, Sara Snow
- @InstitutionalRepository How Do I Preserve Internet Ephemera? #Twitter #Wordpress by Franny Gaede
- ETD Embargoes: A Comparison of Institutional Policies and Practices by Laura Hammons, Stephanie Larrison, Geneva Henry
- Curation and Preservation Services: Adapting Frameworks and Tools to Enable Sustainable Programs by Nancy McGovern
Many more presentations, posters, etc. from the conference are available here.
Filed under: Academic Libraries, Digital Collections, Digital Preservation, Interactive Tools, Libraries, News, Open Access, Preservation

About Gary Price
Gary Price ( is a librarian, writer, consultant, and frequent conference speaker based in the Washington D.C. metro area. He earned his MLIS degree from Wayne State University in Detroit. Price has won several awards including the SLA Innovations in Technology Award and Alumnus of the Year from the Wayne St. University Library and Information Science Program. From 2006-2009 he was Director of Online Information Services at