National Football League (NFL) 2010 Attendance Statistics Database
Available From Business First of Buffalo
Included are each team’s average home attendance, the percentage of seats that were occupied at home games, and ratios of average attendance to local population and team victories.
The population ratio was calculated by dividing the average attendance by the number of residents within a team’s BEA economic area (as defined by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis) and then multiplying the resulting figure by 10,000.
The victory ratio was calculated by dividing the average attendance by the team’s number of regular-season victories in 2010.
Click View Details to get additional information for a specific team, including its ranks in all four categories.
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About Gary Price
Gary Price ( is a librarian, writer, consultant, and frequent conference speaker based in the Washington D.C. metro area. He earned his MLIS degree from Wayne State University in Detroit. Price has won several awards including the SLA Innovations in Technology Award and Alumnus of the Year from the Wayne St. University Library and Information Science Program. From 2006-2009 he was Director of Online Information Services at